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(영문) 한국외교사 Korean foreign policy

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Korean foreign policy history organized chronologically


~ 1945 ~ 1992


Politics, Foreign Policy, and Diplomacy of Korea

~ 1945 (1943) Cairo Declaration: “in due course Korea will become independent”
(1945) Yalta Conference: Roosevelt proposed US-Soviet-China trusteeship over Korea
 Last week of war: Soviet declared war on Japan and sent its troops to NK and Manchuria. Washington realized that Russian occupation of Korea would have important military implications for the future of Japan and East Asia.
 Sudden dispatch of US military occupation in SK. 38th became temporary division.

1946 (1946-1947) Joint Commission
A set of negotiations between the US and USSR over the creation of unified Korean provisional government. Moribund when:
A. Polarization of Korean politics; right and left division in regards to the US and Soviet occupation in Korea
B. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan (containment policy)
Rhee Syngman’s strategy on “single government in the South”
(Rhee oppose to Joint Commission- rightist) He guessed correctly that if the US faced the choice of either abandoning the commission or risking the unification of the peninsula under a leftist regime, it would opt for the former. In part because Rhee opposed the Joint Commission, the US could not reach an agreement with the Soviet on the fate of the peninsula and so in 1947 it decided to turn the issue over to the UN General Assembly. This decision guaranteed that Korea would remain divided and the South would fall into the hands of Rhee, who had become the most powerful conservative figure in the country.

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