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[신문방송학]various issues about gate-keeping process in English

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


various issues about gate-keeping process in English
10 important questions and answers related to gate-keeping process.
All written in English


1. Explain sociological meanings of news production, and discuss about the relations between news production and reality.

2. Describe perspectives of communication to approach Journalism and News Studies. And then discuss on strong or weak points in application of communication concepts for Journalism and News Studies.

3. Explain a gate-keeping model of Shoemaker’s. and point out strong and weak poings of her model in gate-keeping theories in news production.


1. Explain sociological meanings of news production, and discuss about the relations between news production and reality.
First, the social organization of news work. News is generally supposed to reflect a reality of our world. However in practice, the news provides a reality that is made by political or social organizational work. In other words, news stories are being typified and constructed mainly by the awareness of the news’s organization. Through interaction between reporter and official, events and stories can be occurred as news. There is also reporter-editor relation which is critical aspect of social organization of news work but studied rarely. That is to say, news is affected by social construction, organizations and any system.
Second, political economy of news. It is often described by “conspiracy theory” which capitalist class who dominate the world control editors and reporters what to run in the newspaper. In this context, concept of fair and objective reporting presents a portrait of the world in tune with the view of dominant groups in society.

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[신문방송학]various issues about gate-keeping process in English
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