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AP US History Unit III Notes -Jefferson

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 AP 클래스에서 필기했던 내용의 노트입니다.
Unit III의 수업내용을 담고 있습니다.
글씨크기가 8pt 라서 꽤나 많은 내용을 담고 있습니다.
총 14 페이지 입니다.


I. Age of Jefferson, 1800-1816
A. Election of 1800
B. Jefferson’s Presidency
1. Thomas Jefferson: The Man/The Mission
2. Midnight Judges”/Marbury vs. Madison
3. Louisiana Purchase
4. Burr Conspiracy
5. Neutral Rights, Impressment, and Embargo
C. Madison
D. War of 1812 (Second War of Independence)
1. Causes
2. Major Campaigns/Battles
3. Treaty of Ghent
4. Hartford Convention
E. Conduct of the War/Aftermath
II. Nationalism and Economic Expansion
A. James Monroe: Era of Good Feelings
B. Panic of 1819
C. Settlement of the West
D. Missouri Crisis
E. Foreign Affairs
F. Judicial Nationalism
G. Election of 1824: End of VA dynasty
III. Sectionalism
A. Economic Revolution
1. Northern Industry
2. Beginnings of Factory System
3. Innovations in Transportation
B. Immigration
C. Cotton is King
1. Cotton Kingdom
2. Southern Society
3. Nature of Slavery: “peculiar institution”
4. The Mind of the South


Theme1: Jefferson’s effective, pragmatic policies strengthened the principles of two party republican government, even though the Jefferson “revolution” caused sharp partisan battles between Republicans and Federalists over particular issues.
Theme2: The aftermath of the War of 1812 produced a strong surge of American nationalism that was reflected in economics (manufacturing), law (larger central government), and foreign policy (“get out or I’ll kill you”-isolationism) policy. The rising national spirit was, however, threatened by a severe sectional dispute over slavery.
Theme3: In the early Nineteenth century, the American economy developed the beginnings of industrialization. The greatest advances occurred in transportation that bound the Union together in a continental economy
Theme4: The explosion of cotton production fastened the slave system deeply upon the South, creating a complex, hierarchical racial and social order that profoundly affected whites, as well as blacks.
(Substitute Teacher)
-Charles Pinckney of South Carolina for vice-president, Adams for President-1800 election; ran on federalist ideals-strong central government, public order; elitist federalists were falsely claimed of wanting a monarchy; federalists were wealthy; having a strong central government at the beginning was good
-Democratic-Republicans-will become present democrats; Thomas Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr from New York for vice-president-support agrarian society-Jefferson always believed US should be agrarian, not industrial; men control themselves in agrarian-feeds democracy

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