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뉴토익 구토익 Part 5,6 3000제 문제 기출 예제

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
84페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. 뉴토익+구토익 Part 5,6 3000제 기출+예제를 수록함

2. 정답과 해설이 상세히 나와있음

3. 파트별로 20개 어휘 까지 다양한 문제로 학습가능함




1. A good supervisor _____ a comfortable atmosphere in any circumstance in order to maximize efficiency.
(A) creating
(B) creative
(C) creates
(D) create

2. _______ skaters who took part in the Olympic games were sponsored by the company which has shown rapid growth in the sporting goods industry.
(A) Whichever
(B) Every
(C) All
(D) That

3. The air conditioning system and the heating system of this office are far more cost-effective than _______ of the previous office so we can cut some expenses.
(A) this
(B) these
(C) that
(D) those

4. The freshness of salads __________ directly to that of vegetables and fruits but you can keep salads well by tossing in sauce right before serving.
(A) not vary
(B) varying
(C) various
(D) varies

Part 6
5. A number of companies begins this year in this area due to the
(A) (B)
relatively low rent, but only a few of them will become successful by
(C) (D)
the end of next year.

6. Taking advantage of improvements in technology have made the same
(A) (B)
amount of work far more productive, cutting down expenses and saving time.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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