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GARP FRM 용어정리본

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18페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


GARP FRM 용어정리본 입니다.




Act-of-God Bond

See Catastrophe Bond

Adjusted Indemnity Limit

The difference between the initial indemnity limit and the sum of the current paid period losses already incurred in a reinsurance contract, i.e. the maximum amount of losses that can occur in the future and still be covered by the policy.

Admitted Reinsurance

A company is “admitted” when it has been licensed and accepted by appropriate insurance governmental authorities of a state or country. In determining its financial condition a ceding insurer is allowed to take credit for the unearned premiums and unpaid claims on the risks reinsured if the reinsurance is placed in an admitted reinsurance company.

Alternative Risk Transfer

A combination of capital markets, investment banking, and reinsurance in which cedent divests itself of risks not generally transferred via traditional insurance (life, health, liability, property &casualty) or covers these risks in a non-traditional way (such as through the capital markets).


Alternative Risk Transfer

Atlantic spread

A position in which the holder is long/short a European option and short/long the otherwise identical American option. Therefore, the holder is long/short the early exercise value.


A relationship in time series data in which elements in a sample set are correlated, positively or negatively, to previous elements in the sample set. If a financial time series has autocorrelation, then the past behavoir may be able to predict the future.

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