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-abrasion scraping dermabrasion A treatment for the removal of superficial scars on the skin by the use of revolving wire brushes or sandpaper.
-ac pertaining to iliac Pertaining to the ilium, the three bones that make up the hipbone.
-al pertaining to abdominal Pertaining to the abdomen, e.g. abdominal muscles.
-algia pain cephalalgia Headache
-amnios amnion hydramnios An abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by an excess of amniotic fluid.
-an pertaining to median Pertaining to the middle, as in the median plane, a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left halves.
-ar pertaining to extraocular Pertaining to outside the eye, as in extraocular muscles.
-ary pertaining to medullary Pertaining to a medulla.
-ase enzyme lipase An enzyme produced by digestive organs that breaks down dietary fats.
-ation condition; process hydration The process of restoring fluids in the body.
-blast embronic osteoblast A cell found in bone; its function is to form tissue and minerals that give bone its strength.
-cardia heart condition brachycardia Slow heartbeat. Also called bradycardia.
-cele herniation; protrusion hydrocele An accumulation of fluids in any saclike cavity or duct.

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