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7. Here Come the Cleaner, Greener Cars(더 깨끗하고 더 친환경적인 차가 온다)

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8페이지/ 한컴오피스
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그린북 7과의 Here Come the Cleaner, Greener Cars(더 깨끗하고 더 친환경적인 차가 온다) 원문과 번역입니다.


7. Here Come the Cleaner, Greener Cars
7. 더 깨끗하고 더 친환경적인 차가 온다

Plug-In Hybrids


Partial Zero Emission Vehicles
The Future with Batteries and Fuel Cells


7. Here Come the Cleaner, Greener Cars
From hybrids to electrics to diesels that run on vegetable oil, it’s a whole new ballgame.

The verdict is in on hybrid cars: Americans love them. But just suppose, some environmentalists have been asking, you had a bigger battery pack in your hybrid and the ability to plug it into the wall. Wouldn’t that give you the ability to drive to work on electric power, with the small gas engine available in reserve for longer trips? This concept started out as an environmentalist’s dream. But now it’s headed for the market. And other high-tech green cars are on their way, too.
With seesawing gasoline prices and uncertainty about the future of oil, Americans are finally focusing on fuel economy and looking beyond big SUVs for their next vehicle. A consumer survey found that an amazing 57 percent of respondents would consider buying a hybrid car for their next vehicle, and 49 percent would consider a car powered by E85 ethanol. Another survey found that 80 percent are more concerned about fuel prices than they were a year ago.
Almost half say they have already bought or would consider buying a more fuel-efficient gas car or hybrid if fuel prices keep going up. And in the sedentary U.S., it’s impressive that one in five say they’re also starting to use alternative transportation: biking, walking, public transportation and car pools. After experiencing sticker shock at the pumps, the public is showing interest in a range of cleaner automotive technologies, from hybrids to fuel cells, biodiesel, battery vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Here’s a look at some top choices for the environment, and a brief look into the future.

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7. Here Come the Cleaner, Greener Cars(더 깨끗하고 더 친환경적인 차가 온다)
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