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Food Safety 내용 [원본]

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가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Food safety 책 내용 그대로입니다.




The U.S. government has several departments that work to keep your food supply as safe as possible. Inspectors check food before it gets to the grocery store. They look at each food`s appearance and smell. They check its storage, labeling handling, and cleanliness. The United States buys some of its food from other countries. Scientists work with international groups, such as the World Health Organization, to make sure that the food bought from other countries is safe.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA). The FSIS makes sure that the meat, poultry, and eggs you buy are safe to eat. It makes rules about packaging and about the safety information that is printed on food labels.
The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) looks after the public health of people in the United States. Part of that job includes making safety rules for seafood, fruits, vegetables, and other foods.
The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) helps make sure your drinking water is safe. It tests the water in streams and lakes for harmful bacteria.
Your local city or country health department has inspectors too. They make sure the food you eat is handled correctly in stores and restaurants. They inspect school cafeterias too. They check the kitchens. They ensure that the workers practice good hygiene. Workers should wash their hands before preparing or serving food. Only healthy workers should handle food. They should also wear clean clothes.

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