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1. Frank McCourt sat on a stage in New York City`s Lincoln Center, his white hair glistening under the lights overhead. He was still boyish of ex-pression at 66, and smile lines radiated from hazel eyes bright with inquisitiveness. Soon he would be addressing the 1997 graduating class of stuyvesant High School, where he had taught English for 18 years.

2. He let his mind wander as he gazed out at the great hall. I`ve learned so much from kids like these, he thought. They gave me much more than I gave them.

3. "Yo, Teach!" a voice boomed. Frank McCourt scanned the adolescents in his classroom. It was the fall of 1970 and his first week of teaching at Seward Park High School, which sat in the midst of dilapidated tenement buildings on Manhattan`s Lower East Side. McCourt located the speaker and nodded. "You talk funny," the student said. "Where ya from?"

4. "Ireland," McCourt replied. With more than ten years of teaching experience under his belt, this kind of interrogation no longer surprised him. But one question in particular still made him squirm: "Where`d you go to high school?" someone else asked.

5. If I tell them the truth, they`ll feel superior to me, McCourt thought. They`ll throw it in my face. Most of all, he feared an accusation he`d heard before-from himself: You come from nothing, so you are nothing.

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