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(영어영문과)영어학연습 시험예상문제 및 시험자료

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영문과를 전공하시거나 어학전공을 듣고 계시는 분들은
많은 도움이 되시도록 직접 시험공부를 하면서
요약한 정리입니다. (A플러스 받은 요약정리본)




1. Linguistic variety in BE vs. Linguistic uniformity in AE.
In Great Britain has different geographical varieties which are Northern English, West Country English, and Scottish English. Although there are still several varieties existed, I will present those three features since they are more predominant in Great Britain.
The first region is the North where nearly a half of the population of England speak of this English. There exists some characteristics of it. /ʊ/ instead of /ʌ/ so the word put and putt are pronounced the same. /ɑ/ instead of /
so the word ant and aunt are pronounced the same. /a/ instead of /æ/ in words like ham, mad, sad.
The second region is the West Country or the south-western countries of England. The most noticeable characteristic is preservation of the /r/ sound after a vowel like barn as /ba:rn/. And it has a heavy `burr` sound, the retroflex r. In grammar, there is the use of pronouns and verbs : Give it to he or not they and the use of the single verb form be : I be and the use of the negative form ben`t : I ben`t. But these features are declining nowadays.

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2024년 07월 08일 월요일
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