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1 401(k) selecting the best mix of investments in a 401(k) or the right helath plan 미국의 일종의 국민연금
2 a body of ~ a body of knowledge(evidence) 다량의(a large amount of)
3 a clove of garlic Cloves of garlic also contain selenium 마늘 한 쪽
4 a foregone conclusion Most voters believe the result is a foregone conclusion. 기정의 결론(기정사실)
5 a handful of a handful of giant commercial publishers 소수의, 소량의
6 a myriad(myriads) of a myriad of forms and configurations 무수한
7 abide by they appear to have abided by a strict code of conduct 고수하다
8 abode [어보우드] Elysium came to be regarded as the abode of the blessed dead 거처 (dwelling)
9 abolish when the city abolished the bus law (법) 폐지하다
10 aboriginal(Aboriginal) In each territory of the Aboriginal people in Austrailia, 원시의
11 abortion reduce the country`s high abortion rate 낙태
12 abortion the number of miscarriages and abortions 유산, 낙태
13 abound (vi) misunderstanding abounds. vi. 넘치다

<중 략>

1312 warship The Monitor was the first warship to use steam power 전함
1313 wary Many analyst and critics are wary of the fact that this national young talent may be wasted in handling mundane(=dull) customer service queries from customers in the West. a. 조심스러운(careful when dealing with sb/sth)
1314 waver Japanese Admiral Nagumo wavered and repeatedly countermanded his own orders. 망설이다(hesitate/ be undecided)
1315 weary He was weary and worn out with labor. 1.피로한, 지쳐 있는
2. 따분한, 싫증 나는
wear out : 닳아 없어지게 하다, 지치게 하다.
1316 whereby complex syntax whereby elements are combined into more complex constructions 그것에 의해(by which/because of which)
1317 whirr I`m left with only the whirr of the landing gear n. 윙윙도는 소리
1318 white (blood) cell When there is an infection, blood brings white cells from the immune system to attack it. 백혈구

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