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OPIC 학생용 IM대비(가격대비 최다 자료 품질보증)

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13페이지/ 한컴오피스
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2013년 1월 최신 OPIC 대비자료입니다.
총 38개 카테고리별 출제가능한 모든 질문에 완벽한 모범답안 준비했습니다.
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my name is ..... I am 28years old and I live with my family in suwon .
I am a senior at korea university majoring in computer science. I like to go on a hike with my close friend to a nearby mountain to exercise and I also enjoy playing soccer with my club members. many people think that I am a very quiet and reserved person because I spend most of my time studying, however I am very much outgoing and have an extroverted personality.

There are four members in my family: my father, mother, and a older sister. we are living together in suwon now. my father has been working for a trading company for the past 30years. my mother used to teach at a middle school , but now she is a housewife and takes care of the housework. we are very close to each other and trying to spend much time together. so every weekend, we go on a picnic in a park nearby our house or go to the movie together.

주거지 소개
I live on the 5th floor of a 20-story apartment building in suwon. it has four bedroom and two bathroom. when you come in to the living room, you can see a big black couch and 42inch TV. Above the TV, there is a painting of the Eiffel Tower hanging on the wall. In each bedroom, there is bed, closet and a bedside table. only in my room, there is a desk since I am the only person still attending school. In the kitchen, we have a dinning table, a refrigerator .

I live in suwon city. It is south of seoul and it takes about 30 minutes on subway to get to the main part of seoul. downtown is in the middle of the city and it`s surrounded by many apartment complexes. Downtown, there are many restaurants, bars and entertainment places. There is also a big supermarket called homeplus. It`s always busy as it`s the only mega store in the area. there are many schools as well as private institutes teaching all kind of subjects. we have a nice park where you can find a running track, exercise equipment, basketball and tennis courts. I often go there for a walk when weather is nice.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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