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전자상거래원론 Electronic commerce 10,11과 과제

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chapter 10
1. A number of years ago, eBay offered a payment system called Billpoint. It was a head-to-head competitor with paypal. Use online sources to research with PayPal. Use online sources to research why PayPal succeeded and Billpoint failed. Write a report based on your findings.
2. Select a major retail B2C merchant in the United States and one outsides of North America. Detail the similarities and differences in the e-payment systems they offer. According to CyberSources "Insider's Guide to ePayment Management",what other payment systems could the sites offer?
3. Download "Transit and Contactless Financial Payments" from smartcardalliance.org/pages/publiction-transit-financial. What are the key requirements for an automated fare-collection system? Based on the report, what type of payment system did the MTA New York City Transit pilot? What factors helped determine the type of system to be piloted? How did the pilot work?
4. Go to nacha.org. What is NACHA? What is its role? What is the ACH? Who are the key participants in an ACH e-payment?
5. Both Walgreens and Kohl's utilize Solutran's SPIN for their BOC systems. Based on information provied at Solutran's website (solutran.com) and information found on online articles about the system, what kinds of capabilities and benefits does the system provide? What is unique about the system? If you were running a large retail operation would you focus on POP or BOC?

chapter 11
6. Enter cerqa.com and find information about products that can facilitate order fulfillment. Write a report.
7. Enter kewill.com. Find the innovations offered there that facilitate order fulfillment. Compare it with shipsmo.com. Write a report.
9. Visit b2btoday.com. Go to the B2B Communities area and identify the major vendors there. Then select three vendors and examine the services they provide to the B2B community.
10. Enter fulfillmentconcepts.com and find the solutions they offer for digital procurement. Also review their literature on fulfillment.
20. sifycorp.com and study their enterprise services. Specifically find what support services they provide. Write a report.


1. A number of years ago, eBay offered a payment system called Billpoint. It was a head-to-head competitor with paypal. Use online sources to research with PayPal.
Use online sources to research why PayPal succeeded and Billpoint failed. Write a report based on your findings.

Billpoint had all the financial and technological resources it needed in its early
development, having shrewdly established partnerships with key complementors and
suppliers such as eBay, Wells Fargo and Visa. This was not true of PayPal, which
survived its early years on venture capital funding and as a completely independent company. By the year 2001, however, despite Billpoint’'s reasonable initial success, it had been eclipsed by PayPal’'s rapid growth, and by late 2002 it had been dropped by eBay in favour of PayPal. It is our view that the dramatic divergence in final outcomes for these two very similar companies comes down to a few simple but crucial differences in the two companies’' business models.

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