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CQE(Certified Quality Engineer) Handbook Summary

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최종 저작일
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"CQE(Certified Quality Engineer) Handbook Summary"에 대한 내용입니다.


Part I - Management and Leadership
A. Quality Philosophies and Foundations
B. The Quality Management System
C. ASQ Code of Ethics for Professional Conduct
D. Leadership Principles and Techniques
E. Facilitation Principles and Techniques
F. Communication Skills
G. Customer Relations
H. Supplier Management
I. Overcoming Barriers to Quality Improvement

Part II - The Quality System
A. Elements of the Quality System
B. Docmentation of the Quality System
C. Quality Standards and Other Guidelines
D. Quality Audits
E. Cost of Quality (COQ)
F. Quality Training

Part III - Product and Process Design
A. Classification of Quality Characteristics
B. Design Inputs and Review
C. Technical Drawings and Specifications
D. Design Verification
E. Reliability and Maintainability

Part IV - Product and Process Control
A. Tools
B. Material Control
C. Acceptance Sampling
D. Measurement and Test
E. Metrology
F. Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

Part V - Continuous Improvement
A. Quality Control Tools
B. Quality Management and Planning Tools
C. Continuous Improvement Techniques
D. Corrective Action
E. Preventive Action

Part VI - Quantitative Methods and Tools
A. Collecting and Summarizing Data
B. Quantitative concepts
C. Probability Distributions
D. Statistical Decision-Making
E. Relationships Between Variables
F. Statistical Process Control (SPC)
G. Process and Performance Capability
H. Design and Analysis of Experiments


Deming’s 14 points
1. Create consistency of purpose toward improvement of products and services, with a plan to become competitive and to stay in business. Decide to whom top management is responsible.
2. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. We can no longer live with commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective materials, and defective workmanship.
3. Cease dependence on inspection. Require instead statistical evidence that quality is built-in to eliminate need for inspection. Purchasing managers have a new job and must learn it.
4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, depend on meaningful measures of quality, along with price. Eliminate suppliers who cannot qualify with statistical evidence of quality.

<중 략>

Juran trilogy
1. Quality Control: monitoring techniques to correct sporadic problems(analogous to special causes)
2. Quality Improvement: a breakthrough sequence to solve chronic problems (analogous to common causes)
3. Quality Planning: an annual quality program to institutionalize managerial control and review.

참고 자료

The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook (Hardcover / 3rd Ed.) / Borror, Connie M. / ASQ / 2008.11.24


판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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