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Western History chapter 1 요약본

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. The First Humans
1) The Hunter-Gatherers of the Old Stone Age
2) The Neolithic Revolution (c.10,000-4000B.C.)
3) An Agricultural Revolution
4) Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution

2. The Emergence of Civilization

3. Civilization in Mesopotamia
1) The City-States of Ancient Mesopotamia
2) Empires in Ancient Mesopotamia
3) The Culture of Mesopotamia

4. Egyptian Civilization : “The Gift of the Nile”
1) The Impact of Geography
2) The Old and Middle Kingdoms
3) Society and Economy in Ancient Egypt
4) The Culture of Egypt
5) Second Intermediate Period
6) Disorder and a New Order : The New Kingdom (1560-1087 B.C.)
7) Daily Life in Ancient Egypt : Family and Marriage


Hominids : the earliest humanlike creatures existing in Africa as long as three to four million years ago.Australopithecines : flourished in East and South Africa and were the first hominids to make simple stone tools – limited only in Africa. Homo erectus (upright human being) : moved into Europe and Asia- used more various tools.Homo Sapiens (wise human being) : relied on variety of stone tools and were the first early people to bury their dead.Neanderthals (100,000 – 30,000 B.C.) : Neander Valley in Germany and other parts of Europe and Middle East .Homo Sapiens Sapiens : replaced Neanderthals and spread throughout the world – they were the first anatomically modern humans

<중 략>

Water wasn’t supplied regularly for farming -> They had to do something to survive (If conditions are too good to live civilization does not develop).Therefore human intervention was necessary to accomplish farming such as irrigation and drainage.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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