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western history chapter 2 요약본

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. On the Fringes of Civilization
1) The Impact of the Indo-Europeans

2. The Hebrews : “The Children of Israel”
1) The United Kingdom
2) The Divided Kingdom
3) The Spiritual Dimensions of Israel
4) The Neighbors of the Israelites

3. The Assyrian Empire
1) Organization of the Empire
2) The Assyrian Military Machine
3) Assyrian Society and Culture

4. The Persian Empire
1) Cyrus the Great
2) Expanding the Empire
3) Governing the Empire
4) The Great King
5) Persian Religion


As Egypt weakened around 1200 B.C., petty kingdoms and city-states emerged, especially in Syria and Canaan. One of the city-states of Hebrews was Israel. Around 970 B.C. Solomon became the king of Israel, a small state in western Asia. In the Near East, there were empires dominating, and still the small Israel survived through for quite long. After Solomon’s death, Israel began to disintegrate. Between 1000 and 500 B.C, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, and the Persians all established empires that encompassed large areas of the ancient Near East.

<중 략>

The Hebrews were a Semitic-speaking people whose history becomes the Old Testament in Christians Bibles. They were descendants of the patriarch Abraham, who first appeared in northwestern Mesopotamia and migrated to Canaan. After suffering from drought in Canaan, the migrated to Egypt and settled there but was enslaved by pharaohs, when Ramses was the king. Moses took them out of Egypt in the Exodus around 13th century B.C. becoming worshipers of Yahweh

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