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E-mart analysis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
65페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
1-1 Introduction
1-2 History
1-3 E-mart goods and services
1-4 E-mart mission & vision
1-5 Social responsibility of business

2. Culture Environment
2-1 E-mart’s Products & Services
2-2 Element of Task environment Factor
2-2 Task environment Factor : Relation With a Customers
2-2 Task environment Factor : Suppliers
2-2 Task environment Factor : Subsidiary Companies
2-2 Task environment Factor : Competitor & Government
2-3 Uncertainty level & Risk
2-4 Culture & E-mart

3. Strategy Effectiveness
3-1 Porter’s competitive strategy
3-2 Miles & Snow strategy typology
3-3 Other strategies : Frugal phone strategy
3-3 Other strategies : Image strategy (Overseas)
3-3 Other strategies : 4 logistics strategies
3-4 The current pace of E-mart
3-4 E-mart’s strategies
3-4 The ideal form of human resource
3-4 Internal organizational culture and welfare
3-4 E-mart Stakeholder
3-4 Evaluate strategies and culture
3-5 Evaluate strategies and culture

4. Analysis
4-1 What kind of structure of the Emart ?
4-2 Why does Emart use this structure ?
4-3 Emart in terms of structural dimensions
4-4 Suggestion of effective structure



1. Introduction
1-1 Introduction
Number of locations 11,462 in 27 countries
Revenue us$485.651 billion
(Korea GDP 1,449.494 billion)
Net income us$16.363billion
Number of employees 2.2million

Who can beat the walmart?

Number of locations 174 in 2 countries
Revenue us$9.8billion
Net income us$284.9million
Number of employees 28 thousand
This relatively small organization beat Walmart.(although win is limited in Korea)

- This organization is emart
We should know this organization.

참고 자료

Emart Homepage
Emart Business report 2014.2015 (Dart)
http://m.enewstoday.co.kr 이뉴스투데이 김봉연기자
http://m.newspim.com 뉴스핌 이연춘기자
http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=421&aid=0001135317 http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=018&aid=0003021447
구글 맵스 이마트
책 – 이마트에서 배우는 장사 노하우
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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E-mart analysis
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