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캔터베리 이야기 영국문학 Wife of Bath's Tale Research Paper - Role of Women - Canterbury Tales - Jeoffrey Chaucer

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15 November 2015
Western Medieval Anti-feminism in the Wife of Bath’s Tale
“The Wife of Bath’s Tale” in the Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, implies anti-feminism in western medieval society. The earliest written famous feminist literary work is Christin De Pisan’s The Book of the City of Ladies. It was written in the 15th century, and it portrays the role of women in that period very well. Christine De Pisan evaluates the role of women differently from other masculine writers in her literature. She writes about superior qualities which women have, and she admires women-only societies, referring to ones like the Amazon as a unique society. She writes:
[When] they were little girls, [they] burned off their left breast through some technique so that it would not hinder them from carrying a shield, and they removed the right breast of commoners to make it easier for them to shoot a bow. (1.16.1)
In the Amazonian society, women could also carry a shield and shoot a bow, and they filled basic roles of men in their society.

참고 자료

Chaucer, Geoffrey. “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” The Riverside Chaucer ed. Larry Dean Benson. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. 102-130. Print.
“The Clerk’s Tale.” The Riverside Chaucer ed. Larry Dean Benson. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. 135-155. Print.
Crane, Susan. “Gender and Social hierarchy.” Gender and Romance in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales.” Princeton University Press UP. 1994. 93-131. Web. 9 November.
De Pisan, Christine. The Book of the City of Ladies. 1st ed. New York: Persea, 1982. Print.
Mann, Jill. Chaucer and Medieval Estates Satire. The Literature of Social Classes and the "General Prologue" to the "Canterbury Tales" Cambridge: Cambridge University UP, 1973.
Pidal, Ramón Menéndez. “El Poema De Mío Cid.” 10th ed. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1963. Print.
Power, Eileen. Medieval Women, New York: Cambridge Univ. UP, 1975, 61-62. Print.
Sponsler, Lucy A. “Women in Epic Poetry: Law Versus Literature.” Women in the Medieval Spanish Epic and Lyric Traditions. University Press of Kentucky UP, 1975. 7–22. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
Willard, Charity Cannon. “Christine de Pizan: her life and works.” Ed. New York: Persea, 1984. 20-253. Print.
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캔터베리 이야기 영국문학 Wife of Bath's Tale Research Paper - Role of Women - Canterbury Tales - Jeoffrey Chaucer
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