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엔클렉스 정리자료 respiratory system

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


엔클렉스 공부하면서 직접 자료 찾아서 정리한 겁니다.


I. Anatomy and physiology
II. Diagnostic tests
III. Respiratory treatments
IV. Oxygen
V. Mechanical ventilation
VI. Chest injuries
VII. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
VIII. Asthma
IX. Chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease
X. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
XI. Pneumonia
XII. Influenza
XIII. Legionnaire’s disease
XIV. Pleural effusion
XV. Emphysema
XVI. Pleurisy
XVII. Pulmonary Embolism
XVIII. Lung cancer and Laryngeal cancer
XIX. Carbon Monoxide poisoning
XX. Histoplasmosis 히스토플라즈마증
XXI. Sarcoidosis 사이크로드증
XXII. Occupational lung disease
XXIII. Tuberculosis


I. Anatomy and physiology
A. Primary functions of the respiratory system
1. Provide Oxygen for metabolism in the tissues
2. Removes carbon dioxide, the waste product of metabolism
B. Secondary functions of the respiratory system
1. Facilitates sense of smell
2. Produce speech
3. Maintains acid-base balance
4. Maintains body water level
5. Maintains heat balance
C. Upper respiratory tract
1. Nose: Humidifies, warms, and filters inspired air
2. Sinuses: Air filled cavities within the hollow bones that surround the nasal passages and provide resonance during speech
3. Pharynx : Passageway of respiratory and diagestive tracts located behind the oral and nasal cavities/ is divided into the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and Laryngopharynx
4. Larynx : located just below the pharynx at root of the tongue; commonly called the voice box , contains two pairs of vocal cords : false and true cords, The opening between the true vocal cords is the glottis, glottis plays an important role in coughing. Which is the most fundamental defense mechanism of the lungs

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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