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NASM-ces(chapter 1~5, eng ver.) 자격증 시험준비 족집게

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18페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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NASM ces 시험대비, 교정운동학 쪽집게 족보, eng ver1.0
(미국 스포츠 의학 협회, National Academy of Sprots Medicine)


Chapter 1 The Rationale for Corrective Exercises
Chapter 2 Introduction to Human Movement Science
Chapter 3 Human Movement Impairments
Chapter 4 Health Risk Appraisal
Chapter 5 Static Postural Assessment


Chapter 1:
The Rationale for Corrective Exercises

•. Today, approximately 1/3 of adults are estimated to be obese
-. 18% of adolescents and teenagers

•. Plantar fasciitis accounted for more than 1 million doctor visits per year

•. Ankle sprains are the most common sportsrelated injury
-. Individuals who suffer lateral ankle sprains are at risk for developing chronic ankle instability

-. Individuals may experience hip weakness after an ankle sprain

Low Back Pain
•. One of the major forms of musculoskeletal degeneration, affecting 80% of adults

•. Predominant among workers in enclosed workspaces, as well as people engaged in manual labor, in people who sit for periods greater than 3 hours, and in people who have altered lumbar lordosis

•. More than 1/3 of all work-related injuries involve the trunk, 60% of these low back

•. 15% of athletes experience LBP in given year

•. 80,000-100,000 ACL injuries occur annually
-. 70-75% of these are noncontact injuries

참고 자료

교정운동학(Micheal A. Clark, Scott C. Lucett, Brian G. Sutton 저 /한미의학/2014.3.20)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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