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NASM-ces(chapter 6-10, eng ver.) 자격증 시험준비 족집게

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17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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NASM ces 교정운동학시험대비(chapter 6-10, eng ver.)
(미국 스포츠 의학 협회, National Academy of Sprots Medicine)


Chapter 6 Movement Assessments
Chapter 7 Range of Motion Assessments
Chapter 8 Strength Assessments
Chapter 9 Inhibitory Techniques: Self-Myofascial Release
Chapter 10 Lengthening Techniques


Chapter 6 : Movement Assessments

Movement Assessments
•KINETIC CHAIN: “Kinetic” denotes the force
transference from the nervous system to the muscular and skeletal systems as well as from joint to joint, and
“chain” refers to the interconnected linkage of all joints in the body .
Types of Movement Assessments
•TRANSITIONAL MOVEMENT ASSESSMENTS: Involve movement without a change in one’s base of support
1. Overhead Squat
2. Single-leg Squat
3. Push-up
4. Standing Cable Row
5. Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press
6. Star Balance Excursion
7. Upper Extremity Assessments
Overhead Squat Assessment (116-117)
•Designed to assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control
1.Feet shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead
=> Foot and ankle in neutral position
=> Shoes off!
2.Arms overhead, with elbows fully extended. Upper arms should bisect the torso
Overhead Squat Assessment (116-117)
–Feet should remain straight with knees tracking in line with the foot

참고 자료

교정운동학(Micheal A. Clark, Scott C. Lucett, Brian G. Sutton 저 /한미의학/2014.3.20)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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