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원어민 회화 FINAL

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최종 저작일
9페이지/ 한컴오피스
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1. 8차시
2. 10차시
3. 12차시 (QUIZ)


1. Going out to eat
Go out to eat vs. go out eating
(=외식, 나가서 먹다) (=never uses, eating while walking)

Going to go eat vs. Going to eat
(=나가서 먹을거야) (지금 바로 먹는거)
(=not restaurant yet but go out to eat)

*go out = go on a date
"grab a bite to eat" [casual]

Restaurant Formalities (voca.)
1. Host / Hostess ;
A person who receive customers(guests). In a restaurant, this person is usually standing at a de나 at the front.
2. Reservation ;
Retain something for future use. Asking for the restaurant to set aside a table at an appointed time,
3. Specially ;
A food or drink item that the restaurant is particularly proud of or popular for many restaurants also have a "special of the day" which is the recommended dish for that day.
4. wine list ;
A list of wines available at a restaurant.
5. Order ;
A list of items that customers request.
6. Check ;
(= bill) Not to be confused with the check you use to make a payment,

Parts of meal(voac.)
1. Appetizer ;
small plate of food at beginning of meal.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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원어민 회화 FINAL
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  • 프레시홍 - 특가
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  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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