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영어교육론 기본개념 정리

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/ 한컴오피스
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영어교육론에 나오는 기본개념을 정리했습니다. 감사합니다.


A. Ⅱ.Describing the English language
1. six of the variables which govern our choice
2. discourse organisation ; 담화 구성 요소
3. spoken language의 특징들
4. cooperation rules
5. genre
6. polysemy
7. word meaning defined by its relationship to other words
8. extending word use
9. word combination
10. paralinguistic features of language
11. how words are used in speaking situation
12. how words are used in writing situation

B. Ⅲ. Background issues in language learning
1. language exposure that children receive
2. acquisition vs learning
3. input hypothesis
4. the direct method
5. behaviorism theory
6. Ivan Illich
7. Dick Allwright
8. Merrill Swain
9. focus on form vs focus on forms
10. students acquire language when~
11. repetition
12. cognitive depth
13. discovery learning
14. learner-centred lessons & teacher-centred lessons
15. teachability hypothesis
16. Vygotsky

C. Ⅳ. Popular methodology
1. approach
2. method
3. procedure
4. technique
5. grammar-translation method
6. direct method
7. audiolingualism
8. PPP
9. criticisms about PPP
10. alternatives to PPP
11. four methods
12. CLT
13. TBL
14. lexical approach
15. bargains
16. explatory practice
17. context-sensitivity
18. what students need and teachers should offer students

D. Ⅴ. Describing learners
1. myth about between age and learning
2. young children
3. adolescents
4. adult learners
5. tolerance of ambiguity
6. good learner characteristics
7. learner styles
8. different learner descriptions
9. NLP
10. MI theory
11. what teachers should do about individual differences
12. language levels
13. ALTE가 정의한 language competency levels
14. plateau effect
15. methodology
16. ways of teaching beginner and elementary levels
17. definition of motivation
18. types of motivation
19. external sources of motivation
20. motivation angel
21. motivation isn't generalised

E. Ⅷ. Mistakes and feedback
1. categories of mistakes
2. two distinct sources for the errors
3. teacher accessing students
4. over-praise
5. ways in which teacher can assess their students' work
6. students accessing themselves
7. accuracy and fluency
8. feedback during accuracy work
9. feedback during fluency work
10. feedback on written work
11. ways of varying the amount of marking and the way teachers do i


Ⅱ. Describing the English language
☺ 체크
□ six of the variables which govern our choice
□ discourse organisation ; 담화 구성 요소
□ spoken language의 특징들
□ cooperation rules
□ genre
□ polysemy
□ word meaning defined by its relationship to other words
□ extending word use
□ word combination
□ paralinguistic features of language
□ how words are used in speaking situation
□ how words are used in writing situation

・우리가 사용하는 단어의 의미와 그 단어가 사용되는 맥락 속에서의 의미가 항상 일치하는 것은 아니다. 즉, form과 meaning 사이에는 1:1 대응관계가 성립되지 않는다.
・같은 form이지만 다른 meaning을 나타내는 경우는 흔히 볼 수 있다. 이러한 경우 context(situation)와 co-text(lexis and grammar)를 잘 고려하면 ambiguity를 없앨 수 있다.

□ six of the variables which govern our choice
1. setting : 우리가 도서관에 있을 때와 나이트클럽에 있을 때 언어를 다르게 사용, 예)집에선 informal, spontaneous / 사무실에선 formal, pre-planned
2. participants : 대화에 참여하는 사람이 LG선택에 영향 끼침, 예)평등주의자
3. gender : 남성, 여성 전형적으로 언어 다르게 사용, 예) 여성이 남성보다 더 concessive language를 많이 사용함
4. channel : spoken LG와 written LG에 차이가 있다. spoken LG는 대면, 전화 등에 따라 / written LG는 email, sms 등에 따라 언어가 달리 사용됨

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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