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국제무역 영어강의 정리 ch3

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


I. 개괄과 Learning goals
II. The concept of comparative advantage
III. A one-factor economy
IV. Trade in one-factor world
V. Misconceptions about comparative advantage
VI. Comparative advantage with many goods
VII. Adding transport costs and nontraded goods
VIII. Empirical evidence on the ricardian model
VIV. Summary


I. 개괄과 Learning goals
1. reasons why countries engage in international trade
1)gravity model: market size and distance between markets
2)they are different from each other
: productivity(Ricardian model따르면 technology의 차이에서 비롯),
factor abundance b/w countries(Hecksher-Ohline model)
→benefit from it by reaching arrangement in which each does thing it does relatively well
3)achieve economies of scale in production
: only limited range of goods만 생산하면 larger scale hence more efficiently 생산할 수 있음
→In ch 2&3, efficiency(즉, cost advantage) matters in the end
2. explain how Ricardian model works
+ how it illustrates principle of comparative advantage
3. demonstrate gains from trade and refute common fallacies about international trade
4. describe empirical evidence that wages reflect productivity
+ that trade patterns reflect relative productivity

II. The concept of comparative advantage
1. opportunity cost

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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국제무역 영어강의 정리 ch3
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