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1. free trade 옹호(the case for free trade)
2. free trade 반대(the cases against free trade)
3. international negotiations of trade policy and WTO
4. preferential trading agreement
5. summary


1. free trade 옹호(the case for free trade)
1)producers and consumers allocate resources most efficiently
when govt don’t distort market prices through trade policy

Restricted trade의 폐해
①efficiency loss(small country)
-consumers pay higher prices
-distorted prices cause over production
→free trade eliminates these distortions
and increase national welfare

②quota의 경우 tariff보다 cost 더 큼
-to seek quota licenses or rights to sell restricted number of imports,
individuals or institutions need to unnecessarily spend time and other resources
(즉, wasting some of economy’s productive resource)
-govt revenue 사라지고 quota rent는 exporting country가 가져감
(=rent-seeking: economic rent accrue to whoever receive license)

2)free trade allows firms or industries to take advantage of economies of scale
Restricted trade의 폐해
①limit gains from external economies of scale by inhibiting concentration of industries

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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