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[Public Sector Problem-Solving Theories]Take-home mid-term exam

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행정학과 공공문제해결론(Public Sector Problem Solving Theories/
Public Policy and Governance) Take-home mid-term exam(중간고사)
- 문제와 예시 답안 구성으로 이루어져 있습니다.
A+ 받았습니다.


1. Distributive policy
2. Examples of “Distributive policy” : “SOC” and “Subsidies”
3. Regulative policy
4. Examples of “Regulative policy” : “Minimum Wage System” and “Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Protection Act”
5. Redistributive policy
6. Examples of “Redistributive policy” : “Public Lease System” and “Progressive Income Tax”
7. Constituent policy
8. Examples of “Constituent policy” : “Governmental Reorganization” and Constituency Adjustment
9. Institutional model
10. Real-world examples of “Institutional model”
11. Rational model
12. Real-world examples of “Rational model”
13. Incremental model
14. Real-world examples of “Incremental model”
15. Public choice model
16. Real-world examples of “Public choice model”
17. Garbage can model
18. Real-world examples of “Garbage can model”
19. Mixed scanning model
20. Real-world examples of “Mixed scanning model”


The distribution policy is a policy that allocates rights or interests or goods or services to the people. At the 19th century in US, state-owned payment policy, river and port projects, research and development projects, and military goods purchase are distributive policy. In the case of Korea, the construction of SOC for highways, airfields, and port facilities by the government, subsidies and loans for companies, education services through public schools, and the construction of museums and art galleries are all included here. In this way, the distribution policy is based on the government's active production and provision of goods and services that the people need.
The characteristics of this distribution policy are as follows.
First, the distribution policy is to allocate the limited resources of the government to various targets, so the decision process is characterized as a 'fight to eat'.

참고 자료

박연호 외, 「행정학개론」, 박영사, 2010
정정길 외, 「정책학원론」, 대명출판사, 2010
양윤이, “초등돌봄교실의 운영실태 및 개선방안 연구”, Vol.21, No. 4, 열린교육연구, 2013
Amitai Etzioni, Mixed Scanning: A “Third” Approach to Decision Making(1967)
Charles E. Lindblom, The Science of “Muddling Through”(1959)
강준호, "文정부 금융정책, 이전 금융정책과 차이 없다", 한국정책신문, 2020.06.12.
지성배, “[단독] 깊어진 돌봄정책 불신 “행정은 원래 땜질 처방하는 것” 한 마디에...”, 에듀인뉴스, 2020.10.20.
최주연, “여가부 "미혼모, 정책 사각지대에 놓이는 일 없어야"”, 에듀인뉴스, 2020.10.23.
하성식, "광주형 일자리와 '가비지캔' 모형", 프레시안, 2018.11.20.
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[Public Sector Problem-Solving Theories]Take-home mid-term exam
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