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Transformational Grammar chapter 4 (영어교육과 및 중등영어임용 필수원서) 요약본

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영어교육과에서 교수님들이 교재로 많이 사용하는 원서이자, 영어교사가 되기 위한 영어 중등 임용고시에 수험생들이 필수적으로 보는 원서 Transformational Grammar의 Chapter4 요약본입니다. 2021학년도 중등 영어 임용고시 합격자가 수험생일 때 정리한 내용입니다. 독학으로 원서를 공부하시는 분들, 책의 내용이 구조화가 안되시는 분들에게 도움이 될 것입니다.


0-1. Introduction ─ small nominal phrases

0-2. Evidence for N-bar

1. Complement and Adjunct

2. Optional constituents of the Noun Phrase

3. One-pronominalisation

4. More differences between Complements and Adjuncts
1) a semantic nature
2) stacking
3) Pro N-bar 'one'
4) Ordinary Coordination
5) Extraposition (postposing)
6) Preposing
7) Co-occurence Restrictions
8) Ordering of Adjuncts and Complements
9) Subcategorisation restrictions
10) 기타

5. Nominal premodifier
1) The evidence
2) The parallel between postnominal PPs and prenominal NPs

6. Structural Ambiguity



Intro. Small nominal phrases (결국 N’임)
(2) NP [the king of England]
(3) the king of England’s crown
—> NP can take the genitive ‘s inflection
* the evidence that the sequence [of England] is a PP constituent.
(4) the king [PP of England] and [PP of the Empire]
—> it can be coordinated with another similar PP.
(5) He is the king, and she is the queen, [PP of England]
—> it can function as the ‘shared constituent’ in cases of shared constituent coordination.
(6) SPEAKER A: Was he the king of France?
SPEAKER B: No, [PP of England]
—> it can function as a sentence fragment.
(7) [PP Of which country] was he the king?
—> it can be preposed.
(cf. *Which document did they ban the discussion in?)
(8) He dwelled in England, and was the king thereof for many a year
—> it can be replaced by the pro-PP thereof.

참고 자료

Transformational Grammar│Radford, A.│Cambridge
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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