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경희대 A+ 과제 '위대한 개츠비(The Great Gatsby), 더 비치(The Beach)' 독후감 Journal 영화와 문학 Film&Literature

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"경희대 A+ 과제 '위대한 개츠비(The Great Gatsby), 더 비치(The Beach)' 독후감 Journal 영화와 문학 Film&Literature"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. LITERATURE CIRCLE April 11th, 2022
2. DAILY JOURNAL April 12th, 2022
3. LITERATURE CIRCLE April 13th, 2022
4. DAILY JOURNAL April 14th, 2022
5. LITERATURE CIRCLE April 16th, 2022
6. LITERATURE CIRCLE April 27th, 2022
7. DAILY JOURNAL May 4th, 2022
8. LITERATURE CIRCLE May 5th, 2022
9. LITERATURE CIRCLE May 8th, 2022
10. DAILY JOURNAL May 10th, 2022


LITERATURE CIRCLE April 11th, 2022

Unit: “The Great Gatsby”

Role: Culture Connector

The Great Gatsby reminds me of the Netflix drama Inventing Anna. Anna, who emerges calling herself a German inheritor, naturally blends into the New York’s upper-class society. From her luxurious and elegant look, she seems a perfect upper-class member, but people begin noticing suspicious things, such as Anna’s fake bank-loan documents, spending only her boyfriends’ money, and always failing to make payments with her own credit card. She eventually turns out to be a cheater. This parallel came into my mind because Anna and Gatsby both show off their wealth to gain their desires. For Anna, it’s being included in the upper-class and getting the attention from the public, and for Gatsby, it’s the love of Daisy. A difference is that Anna’s inheritance is fake while Gatsby did possess lots of money.

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경희대 A+ 과제 '위대한 개츠비(The Great Gatsby), 더 비치(The Beach)' 독후감 Journal 영화와 문학 Film&Literature
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