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엔클렉스 The Eye and the Ear + medication 정리본

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"엔클렉스 The Eye and the Ear + medication 정리본"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. CH.60 The Eye and the Ear
1) Anatomy and physiology of the eye
2) Disorders of the eye
3) Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear
4) Disorders of the Ear

2. CH.61 Eye and Ear Medications
1) Ophthalmic Medication Administration
2) Mydriatic, Cycloplegic and Anticholinergic Medications
3) Topical Eye Anesthesia
4) Medications to Treat Galucoma
5) Ocusert System
6) Osmotic Medications
7) Medications that Affect Hearing


⑴ Major function: produce vision
: Light wave → cornea → lens → retina → optic nerve(CN2) → occipital lobe
⑵ Cranial nerves of eye
① CNⅡ: vision
② CNⅢ,Ⅳ,Ⅵ: external muscles of eye → eye movement
③ CNⅢ: control pupil size
⑶ Exterior of eye
① Lacrimal glands
- Tears secretion to lubricate lids and keep cornea moist
- Excess tears drain through lacrimal ducts into nasal cavity
② Cornea: nonvascular transparent layer, external coat in front of eye
③ Sclera: white, dense connective tissue covering all of eye except cornea
④ Canal of schlemm: venous sinus at junction of sclera and cornea
⑷ Interior of eye
① Iris
- Colored portion, central opening → pupil
- Contract and relax to control pupil size and amount of light entering eye
② Lens: bending ray of light entering through pupil
→ focuses image accurately on retina
③ Aqueous humor, vitreous humor
- Liquid act along with lens as refracting media

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엔클렉스 The Eye and the Ear + medication 정리본
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