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[토익]토익 모의고사(9회분)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


수험생들이 가장 어려워 하는 PART V, VI 를 집중 공략하는 모의고사로, 적중률 높은 엄선된 문제들을 모았습니다. Actual Test 9회분으로 총 540문제(60문제X9회) 입니다. (해답 첨부되어 있습니다.) 토익 시험을 준비하시는 분들의 성적 향상에 큰 도움이 되실 겁니다.




101. He was relocated to the Los Angeles branch ---- with his request.
a. accord
b. accordingly
c. in accordance
d. was according
102. The third ---- of Kenneth Oliver` book about his African experiences will be on bookstore shelves in a matter of days.
a. edition
b. editing
c. edit
d. editor
103. As to our recent desire to improve office efficiency, the firm will be ordering more office electronics ---- as photocopiers, shredders and fax machines.
a. like
b. same
c. much
d. such
104. The new cellular phone should strengthen our reputation enough to ---- our place as the most sophisticated and highest quality cell phone manufacturer in the world.
a. consolidate
b. consol
c. council
d. consecrate
105. Department heads are requested to help ---- work teams prepare for the vice president`s site inspection next Friday.
a. them
b. themselves
c. their
d. they
(본문에는 특정 단어 및 어구에 밑줄되어 있습니다.)
141. Having failed completing the assignment within the allotted time, Ms. Kermansi was unable to obtain an extension and suffered the loss of a few of her best customers.
142. The senior vice president has been very consistent of his views on the necessity of upgrading their manufacturing technology.
143. All air traffic controllers at Denver International Airport must have a through understanding of all the air traffic regulations and the reason for its introduction.

참고 자료



6개 리뷰 평점
  • A+최고예요
  • A좋아요
  • B괜찮아요
  • C아쉬워요
  • D별로예요
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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