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영어에 대해서 보다 깊고 정확한 분석을 하기 위해서는 문장에 대한 보다 깊은 분석의 방법이 필요하다 syntax는 이러한 주요한 목적을 가지고 존재하며 수많은 사람들의 논쟁을 잠재워주는 역할을 하였다. 그 필두에는 현존하는 언어학자이자 정치가인 Noam Chomsky가 있다. 이러한 syntax를 학습하기 이전에 그 주요용어를 알리고자 한다.


1. Tree Diagram
2. Phrase Structure Rule
3. Category
4. Transformation
5. Constituent
6. Unit movement
7. Underlying structure
8. Subjacency
9. Complement
10. Selectional restriction


1. subcategorization
- syntactic constraints on the types of complements that a particular lexical item can take. for example, conceal requires a direct object (he concealed the bed); sleep cannot have a direct object (*he slept the bed).

2. selectional restriction
- semantic constraints on the NP`s that a particular lexical item can take. for example, admire requires a human subject ( my neighbor/*my dog admires my begonias); frighten requires an animate object ( Franklin frightened his dog/*his chainsaw)

3. complement, adjunct, specifier
- in x-bar theory, a modifier that occurs between specifier and complement within a phrase. the term adjunct designates a position (like subject, direct object, etc ), not a class of words( like determiner, adjective, etc)
- in x-bar theory, a modifier that always occurs next to the head of the phrase, whether it precedes or follows the head. the term complement designates a position(like subject, direct object, etc), not a class of words(like determiner, adjective, etc) specifier
- in x-bar theory, a modifier that always occurs first in a phrase, before an adjunct, complement, or head. the term specifier designates a position(like subject, direct object, etc), not a class of words(like adjective, noun, etc).

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