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seizure 강탈; 점유, 점거: 여기서는 학교 인질극을 의미 - ...Less than two weeks after the school seizure in Beslan,..
take advantage of the threat to consolidate 위협을 이용해 강화하다 cf. consolidate (권력, 지위 따위)를 강화하다
one`s hold on power ...가 쥐고 있는 권력- Critics say Mr. Putin is taking advantage of the threat to consolidate his hold on power.
prerequisite 전제 조건- "I am convinced the unity of the country is the main prerequisite for the victory over terror"
sweeping (개혁 등이) 전면적인, 대대적인
-In a series of sweeping proposals, President Vladimir Putin plans to unify Russia`s security services in a kind of U.S.-style Homeland Security Agency.
hit a nerve 신경을 거스르다, 심기를 건드리다 - His words hit a nerve.
stunned 망연자실한, 넋을 잃은; 크게 놀란
rally (공통의 목적을 위하여) 모이다, 집결하다
atrocity 잔혹 행위,악행- Last week, as stunned Russians rallied against the atrocities carried out against the children of Beslan,..
grapple with ...와 씨름하다, (난제 따위)를 극복하려 노력하다 -they began to grapple with the same though questions Americans have faced since 9/11.

bolster 지지하다, 지원하다
smooth over 원만하게 수습하다, (불화 따위를) 가라앉히다- Trying to smooth over a rocky road map to peace.
send A to the ash heap A가 수포로 돌아가게 하다, A를 무로 만들다 cf. ash heap 잿더미
-That` despite a new wave of militant attacks against Israelis that threanten to send Mr.Bush`s road map to the ash heap of countless other peace initiatives.
be committed to ...을 약속하다,공약하다,전념하다- He accepted it because I assured him that the United States is committed to Israel`s security.
nudge A to... A가 ...하도록 유도하다 cf. nudge 팔꿈치로 찌르다
-..aimed at nudging the Israelis and the Palestinians to start implementing the road map,..
explore the opportunity 기회를 검토하다
- I`m exploring the opportunities as to whether or not I shold meet with Prime Mister Mahmoud Abbas as well as Prime Minister Sharon.
rein in 억제하다; 고삐를 당겨 말을 세우다
crushing restrictions 너무 심한 제한
-That, U.S. officials say, depends on how much the Palestinian Prime Minister can rein in the militants,and how much the Israelis can ease the crushing restrictions on the Palestinians.

abound 많이 있다, 존재하다; 풍부하다- His aides issued some level of clarification on Tuesday but uncertainties still abound.
external polictics 외교 cf. external 대외적인, 외국의
-Some believe this was about external politics with Mr.Sharon trying to send the U.S. President a message that he is committed to the Mideast road map,..

quote-unquote 말하자면, 이른바; 이하 인용: 다른 사람의 말을 그대로 인용할 때 쓰는 구어적 표현
-South Korea`s Foreign Minister says a nuclear North Korea would be a quote-unquote major disturbance to his country and to Asian security in general.
go into detail ...에 대해 자세히 언급[설명]하다
low-keyed 신중한; 자제하는, 감정을 내색하지 않는
in the best interest of ...을 위한 최선책 cf. in the interest(s) of ...을 위한
-A Seould official say that at these talks Seoul officials will stress to North Korean officials that giving up its nuclear program will be in the best interest of North Korea.

caught ...을 들키다 - Caught snoozing while Apple launched its iPod, Nokia has now tamed up with Microsoft and Motorola with Apple.
calling the tune 자기 생각대로 지시하다,그만한 권한을 갖다 - If the phone makers have their way, it won`t be just iPod calling the tune.


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