• LF몰 이벤트
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서천을 영어로 번역

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Camellia forest in Maryang-ri
2. Chunjangdae beach
3. Hongwon port
4. Maryang port in Maryang-ri
5. Muddy areas in Seocheon
6. Hansan ramie fabrics
7. Hansan rice wine
8. Geumgang estuary dyke and reed forest in Sinsung-ri


1. Camellia forest in Maryang-ri
Many of 500 year old Camellia which is designated as natural monument No 169, lives in stock in Maryang-ri, Seocheon. Calling as Maryang-ri Camellia forest, it is located on the western coast of Seocheon. There is a three-floor tower, Camellia tower, on the top. Beautiful scenery can be seen such as beautiful beaches, mountains, sea and islands on this tower.
Camellia forest in Maryang-ri is located in the other side. The entry to the forest is so narrow that is difficult to pass even young children because of many trees, leave and stems. With 500-year history, all the trees have thick and strong stems.

They burst red flowers between March and April and begin to fall on May.

The Camellia tower has beautiful sceneries with blue sea, ships and islands. The Camellia forests and marine pine tree forests also can be seen here.

Beautiful sunset can be seen at several places in Seocheon such as Chunjangdae beach, the Camellia forests, Maryang port and Jangpo-ri, but sunsets at the Camellia tower is the best. It is fantastic.

The Camellia burst between March and April. The Camellia and squidsfestival takes place during this season. Squids are served as raw fish, mixed, etc. Squids from Maryang-ri are famous for freshness and good taste. Other activities also performed at this season.

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  • 프레시홍 - 특가
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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