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AP Psychology 시험보시는 분들에게 꼭 필요한 영문 참고자료

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최종 저작일
5페이지/ 압축파일
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이거 보고 5점받았습니다
유학생들, 미국 대학교 지망생들에게 도움되는 노트입니다
영어로 해놨습니다 간간히 한글로 설명도 되 있구요
사진참고도 해놓았습니다, 고로, 이것만 보면 5점 ok!


hisory and approaches
biological bases of behavior
sensation and perception
levels of consciousness
motivation and emotion
abnormal psychology
treatment of psychological disorders
social psychology


AP Psychology Summarization
Chapter 1 : History and Approaches


Plato and Democritus theorized about the relationship between thought and behavior.

Wilhelm Wundt ( 1842-1910 ) did an experiment and he trained subjects in introspection.
Introspection is the subject that were asked to record accurately their cognitive reaction to simple stimuli. With this process, Wundt described the theory of structuralism.

Structuralism is the idea that the mind operates by combing subjective emotions and object sensations.

William James (1842-1910) published “The Principles of Psychology”. James examined how these structures Wundt identified function in our lives ( functionalism ) Thus, every object must be functioning well.

2)Gestalt Psychology

Great Gestalt Psychologists = Max Wertheimer

He argued against dividing human thought and behavior into different structures. Thus, Gestlat Psychology examines a person’s total experience

Total Experience : the whole experience is often more than just the sum of parts of the experience.

Gestalt Psychology = Total Experience Gestalt Psychologist – Max Wertheimer

참고 자료

Barrons AP Psychology, Princeton review, kaplan

압축파일 내 파일목록

Chapter 7 cognition.doc
Chapter 8 motivation and emotion.doc
Chapter 12 abnormal psychology.doc
Chapter 13 Treatment of psychological disorders.doc
Chpater14 Social Psychology.doc
Chapter 1 History and Approaches.doc
Chapter 2 methods.doc
Chapter 3 biological effects of behavior.doc
Chapter 4 Sensation and perception.doc
Chapter 5 Levels of Consciousness.doc
Chapter 6 learning.doc


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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