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공대 대학원 SOP, Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement (박사과정)

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최종 저작일
2페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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2007년 가을 입학 유학준비하면서 만든 SOP입니다. 2개월정도 준비했고 국내-해외 전문가에게 검증을 거쳤습니다. 공대쪽이라 화려한 문장은 아니지만 간결하고 효율적으로 자신을 잘 포장했다고 생각합니다. 특히 회사다니시다 뒤늦게 다시 공부 시작하는 분들에게 도움이 될만한 구성일 듯싶습니다. 중요한건 토목공학과 대학원 US News ranking 상위 1~15위 대학중 10개지원하였고 8개 학교에서 어드미션 받았습니다. 물론 SOP가 전부는 아니지만 충분한 표준이 될만하다고 생각합니다.




The tragic collapse of the Sungsu Bridge, which had spanned the Han River in Seoul, in 1994 and the structural problems of the Dangsan Railway Bridge that forced its early closure in 1996 reminded me of the danger of indifference. Although shoddy construction and faulty design contributed to these incidents, a more fundamental reason for these mishaps was Korean society`s insensibility to danger. If more interest had been vested in the health of bridges, such disasters could have been prevented.
Fortunately, upon these events, a special law for the safety management of public facilities was established and diverse researches on health-monitoring systems and system identification methods were promoted. However, having worked in an ngineering company for the past six years, I have become keenly aware of the passive attitude of industry toward Maintenance and Management (M&M) systems of in-service bridges, contrary to the concerted efforts exerted in construction and design.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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공대 대학원 SOP, Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement (박사과정)
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