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세포생물학 리뷰논문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ MS 워드
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이 자료는 세포 생물학 관련한 리뷰논문입니다.
항암 치료, 혈관신생, VEGF pathway의 세 주제를 엮어, 영어로 리뷰 논문을 작성했습니다.
기존의 항암 치료가 암세포의 왕성한 증식을 타게팅해 치료해 세포분열이 빠른 세포에의 부작용을 막을 수 없었던 것과 달리, 암세포의 혈관신생기작을 타게팅해 VEGF pathway를 blocking 해 부작용을 최소화한 새로운 항암 치료 방법을 결론 적으로 제시합니다. 기본적으로 angiogenesis(혈관신생), 암세포 성장 기전, VEGF pathway와 그 blcoking 방법 또한 figure과 설명으로 제시했습니다.
참고로 nature지를 포함해 10 개 이상의 논문을 참고했습니다.


Article Outline

1. Introduction

2. Angiogenesis
2.1 Mechanism of angiogenesis

3. VEGF – major mediator of angiogeneis
3.1 Structure of VEGF and VEGF family
3.2 Effects of VEGF on angiogenesis
3.3 VEGF pathway
3.4 Blocking VEGF pathway

4. Importance of VEGF therapy

5. Therapeutic Applications of VEGF therapy

6. Conclusion



2. Angiogenesis
Angiogenesis is new blood vessel forming process as mentioned earlier. Angiogenesis involves in cell or tissue growth, wound-healing. Through this process cells and tissues are provided with oxygen and nutrients. This is not the only reason why angiogenesis is dealt importantly. The new vessels are not only being the channels of transporting foods and air, but also being the source of sending and receiving messages such as hormones and other signals. Another point of angiogenesis is that it is performing the same task in tumor development. The same logic can be applied here as well as normal and vital process of cell development and maintenance; through this process tumor cells are provided with foods and air, and a way to metastasis, as well. Angiogenesis can be induced by tumor cells. Tumor cells release pro-angiogenic signals. VEGF is one of the major signals which are released by tumor cells. VEGF is released by tumor cells and it binds to the VEGF receptor on the endothelial cells of the neighboring blood vessels. By this binding, proliferation, budding of new blood vessel from the pre-existing one, and migration of the new blood vessel toward the source of the pro-angiogenic signal take place. Furthermore, stabilization and growth of the new blood vessel happen by the support of various factors including VEGF.

참고 자료

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