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지역개발과 공유 비전의 수립

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영국 신노동당의 지역개발과 재생 정책은 지역사회의 참여와 파트너십에 의한 접근방법에 기초하고 있습니다. 따라서 신노동당 정부는 동네간 격차를 해소하기 위하여 집권이후 사회배재청(Social Exclusion Unit)을 설립하고 국가전략실천계획(National Strategy Action Plan)을 내놓았습니다.

영국 정부는 지역 공동체가 지역전략파트너십을 결성하고 그들의 공유비젼과 지역개발전략을 수립하도록 지도하고 있는데, 이 논문은 지역전략파트너십(Local Strategic Partnership)에서의 공유비전에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

저자는 공유비전의 긍정적 힘에 대한 많은 학자들의 주장을 지지하면서 지역전략에서의 비전의 힘이 그것이 발휘할 수 있는 것보다 약하다는 의심에서 출발합니다. 문헌 검토를 통하여 비전의 의미와 역할을 확인한 바, 비전은 공유되는 것이 중요하기 때문에 지역사회 구성원과 이해관계자들의 진정한 참여를 끌어낼 수 있는 적절한 비전 만들기 절차를 통하여 나타나도록 하는 것이 필요함을 밝힙니다.

정부 간행들과 전략계획서들을 조사한 결과, 진정한 참여에 기초한 비전 수립 절차에 관한 충분한 안내에 있어 실패하고 있음과 지역전략파트너십의 비전선언문들이 수사적 힘이나 시각적 현저함이 빈약하여 비전으로서의 힘이 약화되었음을 밝혀냅니다.





List of Illustration and Boxes

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Community Development in New Labour
2. Research Questions
3. Methodology
4. Structure of Dissertation

Chapter 2 Theoretical Review on Vision
1. Definition
2. The Role of Vision
3. Different Approaches to Visioning
4. Analysis
5. Frameworks
6. Criteria

Chapter 3 Shared Vision within New Labour Policy
1. Vision in Government Documents
2. Visioning Guidance
3. Guidance in US
4. Visioning Process Appeared on LNRSs

Chapter 4 Strength of Vision Statements in LNRSs
1. Appearance
2. Power of the Vision Statements

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations
1. Conclusion
2. Recommendations


Appendix A 52
Appendix B 54
Appendix C 55
Appendix D 56
Appendix E 57
Appendix F 58
Appendix G 59
Appendix H 60
Appendix I 61


Community Development and the Production of a Shared Vision:
New Labour and LSPs - the Case of London
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Community Development in New Labour
The eradication of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion has always been one of the
main issues of the Government. Thatcher style, property-led regeneration dominated
throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, was characterized by the use of public subsidies,
tax breaks, and the reduction in planning and other regulatory controls (Imrie and Raco,
2003). However inequalities in household incomes were intensified during her marketbased
policy period. Even before the years of Conservative rule, poverty had been
increased as Schoon (2001) highlights “100 years of policy initiatives [that] had almost no
impact in the pattern of inequality” (quoted by Imrie and Raco, 2003, p.4). Those failures of
the state and the market have led New Labour to seek a third way on the basis of social
interaction and civic engagement. The Labour Party rejects the state approach that is
expensive and bureaucratic, and that hinders devolved management or individual choice
(Driver and Martell, 1997; Deakin, 2001; Newman, 2001, cited by Imrie and Raco, 2003,
p.7). In the same way Labour avoided the market approach that supports competitive
individualism or the operations of unregulated economical interactions. The Third Way is to
put social capital and community cohesion in the center of the regeneration of deprived
areas. It seeks to combine the state and the market while minimising their disadvantages
and opening up new territory for intervention (Taylor, 2002, cited by Kearns, 2003, p.53).
Community has been expected to play a central role in approaches to solve the socioeconomical
problems (Blackman, 1995; Butcher and Robertson, 2003; Etzioni, 1998).
New Labour takes community to the core of its policy. Social Exclusion Unit (SEU)
has been established in December in 1997 just after Blair’s inauguration in relation to
tackling the widening polarization problem. Blair has written forewords on the two
published materials as below;
Unless the community is fully engaged in shaping and delivering
regeneration, even the best plans on paper will fail to deliver in practice.
(SEU 2000, p.5)
When we came into office, we inherited a country where hundreds of
neighbourhoods were scarred by unemployment, educational failure and
crime. They had become progressively more cut off from the prosperity
and opportunities that most of us take for granted.” Communities were
breaking down. Public services were failing. People had started to lose
hope…. My vision is of a nation where no-one is seriously
disadvantaged by where they live, where power, wealth and opportunity
are in the hands of the many not the few.. (SEU 2001, p.5)
His words well reflect his perception of the community. His intention gives shape to
the Local Government Act 2000 (chapter 22 #4 (1)), which places a duty on local
authorities to prepare community strategy in England and Wales, and has been actualized
on A New Commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal: National Strategy Action Plan (SEU,
2001). This has become a reference to the establishment of local strategic partnerships
(LSPs). SEU (2001) defines LSP as “a single body that brings together at local level the
different parts of the public sector as well as private, voluntary and community sectors so
that different initiatives and services support rather than contradict each other” (p.10).
As the Government (SEU, 2001) notes that “government failed to harness the
knowledge and energy of local people, or empower them to develop their own solutions”
(p.7), this join-up approach bears the notion of communitarian believes that each individual
possesses the capability and means to be creative and to achieve success, and that the
members of community know their problems better than any others (Banks, 2003;
Blackman, 1995; Davis and Daly, 2004; Etzioni, 1998; Gittell and Vidal, 1998). However,
choosing the community-based development policy is one thing, the success of the policy
is another. The policy with good reason does not necessarily guarantee its achievement.
LSP is to work for its community by making its own decision and strategy.
Accordingly the capacity of community, which communitarian believes that it has, is the
key factor that examines whether the join-up approach will be on the rail or not.
Community participation and involvement forms basis of the capacity to decide its goal and
priorities for its future. If participation fails to occur, capacity fails to be obtained.
Participation remains essential to community development and LSP’s achievement.
Making people participate means to mobilize people toward the course of community
development such as needs assessment, decision making, priority setting, initiative
creation and implementation. Therefore, how to mobilise and animate people could be the
key to success in community-based regeneration driven by New Labour. Furthermore, the
higher the level of participation is achieved, the more join-up policy gains results. A shared
vision plays a critical role in the course of community participation and join-up policy. A
shared vision is built from participation (Bennis, 1999). Once a vision is shared through the
visioning process, which is based on participation, the vision boosts up people and
different actors into higher participation and join-up working. This seems to be what New
Labour has expected by putting ‘agreed vision’ in the National Strategy.

참고 자료

Atkinson, R. (2003) Addressing Urban Social Exclusion through Community Involvement in
Urban Regeneration, In Imrie, R. and Raco, M. (eds) Urban Renaissance?: New Labour, Community and Urban Policy. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Arnstein, S. (1969) ‘A Ladder of Citizen Participation.’ Journal of the American Institute of
Planners, vol 35, no 4, pp 216-24.
Ashworth, C. (2000) ‘Changing Cultures and Shared Ownership’, Local Economy, 15, (3),
Avery, G. C. (2004) Understanding Leadership. London: Sage.
Avery, G. C. (2005) Leadership for Sustainable Futures. Glos: Edward Elgar.
Bailey, N., Barker, A. and MacDonald, K. (1995). Partnership Agencies in British Urban
Policy. London: UCL Press.
Banks, S. (2003) The Concept of ‘Community Practice’ in Banks, S., Butcher, H., Henderson, P. and Robertson, J. (2003) Managing Community Practice: Principles,
Policies and Programmes. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Barczak, G., Smith, C. and Wilemon, D. Managing Large-Scale Organizational Change.
Organizational Dynamics
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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