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항공사진을 이용한 호주 빅토리아 주 fire patchiness 지도화에 관한 연구

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64페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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본 논문은 호주 빅토리아주 동쪽지역에서 수행한 연구를 토대로 작성한 것입니다. 항공사진을 이용하여 불의 영향을 받은 지역의 지도화를 통하여 전체 지역에서 불의 영향을 받지 않은 지역을 지도화하는 것에 관한 연구입니다. 본 저자가 Department of Sustainability and Environment라는 호주 정부 부서에서 재직할 당시 수행한 연구를 토대로 작성을 하였으며 항공사진, 산불, 위성사진과 다른점, 생태적으로 불의 영향에 대한 논문 작성시 매우 유용하게 사용될 것으로 생각됩니다. 연구방법은 아직 사용이 되어지지 않은 방법으로 하여 외국저널에 게제를 기다리고 있는 상황이며 유용하게 사용하시길 부탁드립니다. 용량이 너무 커서 PDF파일로 올려놨습니다.


1.0 Introduction 3

1.1 History of remote sensing 4

1.2 Human induced burning history in Australia 5

1.3 Advantages of landscape mosaic burning and current limits 5

1.4 Methodological approaches for post-fire burnt area mapping 7

1.5 Advantages of Infra-Red Utilisation 7

2.0 Study area 8

2.1 Climate 9

2.2 Fire Dates 10

3.0 Methods 11

3.1 Feasibility study 11

3.2 Data Collection 13

3.3 Fire extent estimation 14

3.4 Field Survey 14

3.5 Accuracy of mapping, polygon comparison and perimeter track error estimation

4.0 Results 19

5.0 Discussion 40

5.1 Demonstrated results from methodology 40

5.2 Crown Cover 43

5.3 Improvement of Ecological Management 45

5.4 Colour and Infra-red Aerial Photos 47

5.5 Costs and efficiency 48

5.6 Time constraints, and cloud and smoke limitations 49

5.7 Clarity of the IR imagery 50

5.8 Interpreting and Mapping 51

5.9 Opportunity for changing wavelength 53

5.10 Usefulness and applicability of the methodology 54

6.0 Conclusions 55




Abstract. Remote sensing has played a major role in fire extent mapping since the 1940s, with images of varying scales and resolutions used for a range of fire and vegetation types. However, a new prescribed burning paradigm has gradually evolved. Landscape mosaic burning, which creates a range of unburnt patch sizes in a given area, is becoming the new aim for broadscale fire management. Importantly, it provides unburnt areas for species survival within a burnt area - particularly for fauna species (habitat, food, refuge, breeding). Mosaic burning has generated the need for a new methodology to identify small and large unburnt patches in a given burnt area. It has also generated the need to determine fire severity more accurately, with mapping fire severity variation also becoming increasingly important to ecological outcomes. The methodology developed in this study can produce high resolution burnt area maps, with substantially better resolution of burnt/unburnt boundaries than has previously been possible using satellite remote sensing. This methodology for fire severity and fire extent (patchiness) mapping uses high resolution colour (25 cm and 35 cm pixel) and infra-red (15 cm pixel) aerial photography. The results indicate that this methodology can be easily transferred to operational use. This methodology should be considered by fire managers during fire operational planning. It can provide effective post fire mapping and monitoring, thus improving sustainable forest management outcomes. The variations in the accuracy of this methodology, resulting from various input errors, can be lowered by careful planning and application. Further studies to improve the current methodology are recommended.

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