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Research Proposal - What Innovative Factors Make Firms from Emerging Markets Go International?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


서울대학교 관리경제학 영문 연구제안서 A+


I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Theoretical Framework

IV. Data

V. Methodology


I-1. The Purpose of the Study
This research aims to develop the integrated model explaining how firms from emerging markets succeed in international markets. In an era of global changes and competitive environment, the fate of firms internationalizing from emerging economies to overseas is of crucial importance for their own development, as well as the survival of their countries. For the sake of firms involved in this role, this inquiry will devote its’ attention to find out the factors of corporations’ success.
I will focus on both the national level and the firm level as factors affecting a firm’s innovativeness, and sequentially examine the influence of innovativeness on performance in international markets. It would be weighty to take the moderating role of a ‘target country’s development level’ into consideration. Consumers tend to evaluate a product, brand, or even company differently, based upon its origin. Accordingly, it would be invaluable to test the moderator on the assumption that a firm from an emerging market would be under-evaluated in more developed as opposed to less developed countries.

I-2. Importance and Contributions of the Research
Theoretical Contributions. Numerous studies have been conducted to find significant factors affecting a firm’s innovativeness at the corporate level or national level, as well as the relationship between innovativeness and market performance. However, there is no research on the causal relationship among the corporate-level factors, national-level factors, innovativeness, and market success. One of the main concerns of this proposed study is the moderating effect of a ‘target country’s development level’, which has been a neglected but decisive factor in this area.

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Research Proposal - What Innovative Factors Make Firms from Emerging Markets Go International?
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