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아라리의 여성관련사설의 주제양상과 소비지향 분석 : 시집살이, 애정갈등노래류의 ‘여성적 말하기’ 방식을 중심으로

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최종 저작일
34페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 강등학


1. 머리말
2. 서사민요에 나타난 여성인물의 행동양상
2.1. 시집살이노래류의 경우
2.2. 애정갈등노래류의 경우
3. 여성인물의 현실대응 양상을 통해본 여성의 말하기
3.1. 서사민요에서 드러나는 비판적 언술의 양상
3.2. 서사적 공간을 통해 확보된 비판적 거리
3.3.억압과 반작용의 틈새에서 돌출한 여성적 말하기 방식
3.4. 상상 속에서 구축되는 자기확인의 공간
4. 요약과 마무리

한국어 초록

서사민요에 대한 본격적인 논의는 『서사민요연구』에서부터 이루어졌다. 그것은 장르론, 유형론, 문체론, 전승론 등 서사민요를 이루는 중요한 국면들을 체계적인 문제의식으로 드러내면서 민요를 보는 관점의 변화를 촉구한 셈이다. 여기에서 확고하게 이루어진 ‘서사’라는 장르규정은 이후에 제기된 논의들을 통해 그 정체성이 재론되면서 서사민요의 성격적 특징을 구체화하는 과정을 보여주고 있다.

영어 초록

Seosaminyo is thought to be a genre which strongly reveals women's criticism of conventions, compared with other folk songs. In Seosaminyo women could openly speak out their mind because it is a fiction. On the premise that it is a story, women questioned the conventional problems and conflicts that they had experienced in their life in Seosaminyo, which grew to be a medium expressing their opinion and relieving their oppressed feelings.
The ways to solve problems which women showed in Seosaminyo are sometimes extreme and impulsive. These tendencies are often found in songs of Sijipsalee(시집살이노래), songs of conflicts between a woman and her husband's family and songs of love-conflicts between wife and husband, which experiences are universal in the married women. This article intends to study these aspects, relating them to the consciousness of women in the low class who mainly sang and enjoyed Seosaminyo.
Women's behaviours in Seosaminyo are very different from those of real women in life. They show impulsive outrage and negative consciousness of reality which rise in one's mind when one is forced to accept the situation which one cannot accept. For women who suffered tension in the strict ethical norm, Seosaminyo might function as a sort of catalyst relieving their outrage and oppression submerged in their mind. In songs women singers and audience might experience the psychic relief, identifying their lives with those of women characters.
The tendencies to express extreme behaviour in songs are closely related to the reality in which women could not gain their own voices culturally and socially. The experiences of women who were alienated in culture and society were excluded in the discourse of men which formed the ruling ideology. As a reaction to the oppression, women might express the overflowing of their rebellious feelings. Women singers and audience might experience the sympathy in the criticism of injustice of society, the relief of their pressed mind, and the power to overcome the tedious days of labour. Therefore women characters in Seosaminyo were found to represent women's lives and women's consciousness to reality which could be sympathized by real women suffering oppression in the patriarchal society.
Seosaminyo, a genre closely related to the reality of women in the traditional society is thought to be a genunie woman's literature. Understanding the way of speaking in Seosaminyo explains not only the characteristics of oral literature but also the creative minds of women singers who also enjoyed Seosaminyo. Seosaminyo with the tendency of daily lives is assumed to be a turning point where women sang a song in a daily language and it may serve as a standard to judge creativity of its singers and audience.
Inspite of limits of the period and class, discussions of the style of Seosaminyo which is a representative woman's literature will help us to understand women's lives, women's consciousness, and women's creativity.

참고 자료



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