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제주도 김통정이야기의 당신화 및 전설로의 변용양상

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발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 권태효


1. 머리말
2. 김통정이야기의 역사적 배경
3. 당신화에 변용된 김통정이야기의 양상과 성격
4. 전설에 변용된 김통정이야기의 성격과 의미
5. 마무리

한국어 초록

김통정은 제주도에서 여․몽연합군에 대항해 끝까지 항전을 벌였던 삼별초의 우두머리로 역사적 인물이다. 하지만 제주도에서 그는 단순한 역사적 인물만이 아니라 지역민들의 신앙대상인 堂神으로 나타나기도 하고 민중영웅의 모습으로 전설의 주인공이 되어 나타나기도 한다. 따라서 김통정이야기는 역사적 사실로서의 이야기일 수 있고, 당굿에서 신격을 섬기는 당신화로서의 이야기일 수 있고, 민중의 의식을 담은 채 전설적 인물로 변용되어 비범한 행위를 하는 인물의 이야기가 되기도 한다.

영어 초록

Kim Tong-Jung is a chief of Sambyulcho(三別抄), which resisted to death to the allied forces between Koryo and Mongo. In Cheju-island, Kim Tong-Jung was not just a historical man ; he seemed to be a village god and also a popular hero who appeared in some legends. Thus, if you look synthetically into historical documents, myths of village gods, legends, you can clearly find out the actual fact of the tales about Kim Tong-Jung.
According to historical documents, Sambyulcho kept friendly realations with inhabitants in Cheju-island : Cheju people helped sambyulcho go into Cheju-island, and supported them. Sambyulcho didn't plunder villages and didn't govern oppressively while they stationed themselves in Cheju-island. That is, Kim Tong-Jung seemed to be an affirmative popular-hero.
In addition, Kim Tong-Jung was described as a brave commander who helped inhabitants, so he was considered as a god and was enshrined in some villages. On the contrary, he had a negative image ; he was reported to be conquered by three commanders from China, because he desired to govern Cheju-island. But, nevertheless, even the latter material value him affirmative, and his good image appeared better in legends. Legends said he was born holily like deities. The birth means growing to be a King. And also he was described as a baby-commander who should build a new future world, this means he was a messiah to Cheju people.
Kim Tong-Jung appeared mainly to be affirmative from the tales about him, and also you can find some material in which he appeared to be negative. Until now, some researchers thought that he was a negative person, because he was an alien ; he was thought as a kind of a potential trouble-maker.
However, historical documents, myths, and legends about him show us that his negative image was just due to misunderstandings in the process of transmission. In fact, he was a man of worship who was expected to be able to come true Cheju pople's dearest wish. But we know he unluckily failed to do this in the end.

참고 자료



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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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