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함경도 무속서사시연구 : <도랑선배&#8228;청정각시노래>를 중심으로

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 김헌선


1. 머리말
2. 의 자료 제시와 주석
3. 의 신화적 성격
4. 함경도와 제주도의 무속서사시 비교
5. 맺는말

한국어 초록

함경도 무속 연구는 참으로 어려운 점이 많다. 남북분단의 상황으로 인해서 현장조사를 할 수 없다는 점이 치명적으로 연구의 장애가 된다. 그에 대한 대안으로 일제시대에 조사된 무속자료와 월남한 함경도 무녀와 무당을 토대로 조사된 자료에 의존할 수밖에 없다. 그런데 후자의 경우에도 대부분 무녀가 사망했으므로 기왕에 조사된 자료조사 보고서에 의존해야 하니 자료 자체의 어려움이 연구를 할 수 없게 한다. 함경도 무속연구는 이러한 자료의 제약에도 불구하고 매우 소중하다.
함경도 무속 연구가 소중한 이유는 함경도 무속의 정체성 때문이다. 함경도 무속조사는 대부분 함경남도 함흥에 집중되어 있다. 그러니 함경북도 무속의 실정이 어떠한지 알기 어렵다

영어 초록

The shamanism of Hamkyoung-do has been proved to be very important in general understanding of Korean shamanism. It is certain that the shamanism of Hamkyoung-do belogs to spiritualism and the style of it is found to be similar to that of the east coast area linked with Kyongsang-do, Kangwon-do and Hamkyoung-do. It is found that the shaman songs of Hamkyoung-do coincide with the hereditary shaman songs of the east coast area when they are performed in rites. The shamanism of Hamkyoungnam-do especially centering around Hamheung. can be said to be much the same as that of the east coast area. Once the identity of the shamanism in Hamkyoung-do is confirmed. It can be possible to get an overall understanding of Korean shamanism.
The essence of the shamanism in Hamkyoung-do can be found in shaman epics. It is indicated that the shaman epics in Hamkyoung-do is far superior to others in quantity and varicity. The shaman epics are used in various shaman rites in Kamkyoung-do and they most frequently appear in Mangmukkut(망묵굿) or Saenamkut(새남굿). It is a special aspect in Hamkyoung-do to have various shaman epics such as Thorangsunvi(도랑선비) epic in Thorangcheukwon(도랑축원), Jimkajae(짐가재) epic in jimkajaekut(짐가재굿), Barykongju(바리공주) epic in Ogifree(오기풀이), Yangsanbak(양산백) epic in Munkut(문굿), and Junsin(전신) epic in Thonjunfree(돈전풀이).
There are two types of the shaman epic in Hamkyoung-do : a nationwide type and a regional peculiar type. The regional peculiar type is various on the whole, therefore it can be subclassified into three type. These three types are not only valuable as regional types in Hamkyoung-do. That the shaman epic in Hamkyoung-do is various is due to the geographical conditions of Hamkyoung-do. Hamkyoung-do, although it is situated in a marginal area, has a nationwide type epic which is transmitted from a central area and a regional type epic which is uniquly developed in its area.
Thoransunvi(도랑선비)․Chungjungkaksi(청정각시) has been proved to be the most signification in Mangmukkut, which is used to deliver the spirit of a dead person. In Barykongju(바리공주), however, a question raised those two epics might have a discord in Mangmukkut. But this is setteld by considering that kind of situation as a peculiar phenomenon of shaman epics in a maginal area. In the shamanism of Seoul area Malmi(말미) among Jinogikut(진오기굿) in the base one, And there is only one narative shaman song. But it is found that there are so many kinds of shaman epics in Mangmukkut(망묵굿) in Hamkyoung-do that they can make up for each other. And Thoransunvi(도랑선비)․Chungjungkaksi(청정각시) is the most popular among the shaman epics in Hamkyoung-do.
Thoransunvi(도랑선비)․Chungjungkaksi(청정각시) has three versions such as Kim kun sung version(김근성 구연본), Lee go boon version(이고분 구연본), and Chang chae soon version(장채순 구연본). Lee go boon version leaves something to be desired, in the other hand. Kim kun sung version and Chang chae soon version seem to have rich and substantial matter. Among them, Chang chae soon version places amphasis on Chungjungkaksi. atlest, So it seems to be an individual version including original features. Chungjungkaks meetis Thoransunvi after she overcomes all obstacles.
The shaman epic of Hmakyoung-do is compared to that of Jeju-do. Besides the fact that they are shaman epics in maginal area. We have to take notice of that there appear various mixed shaman epics in these shaman epics.
It is important to realize that some epics, which deal with simmilar matter, remain keeping a some distance with one another. The common feature of Jimkajaekut, Thorangcheukwon, and Ogifree is to deliver the sort of a dead person and to find the cause of death, and the way to live etc. This difficult problem seems to be able to be settled by careful and many-sided researches, Although the shaman epic of Hamkyoung-do has not been transmitted, now is the review closely the materials which were published before.

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