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동아시아 영웅신화의 비교연구

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최종 저작일
36페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 서대석


1. 영웅신화의 개념과 범주
2. 동아시아 영웅신화의 지역별 특성
3. 지역별 신화적 특성의 종합적 대비
4. 맺음말

한국어 초록

동아시아의 영웅신화를 비교하려면 자료의 제한이 필요하다. 동아시아에는 수많은 민족이 있고 민족마다 민족영웅신화가 존재하기 때문이다. 그러나 지금까지 잘 알려진 몇 가지의 대표적 신화를 대비하여 전체적 성격을 검토하는 일도 비교신화학의 관점을 모색한다는 점에서 필요하리라고 본다.
영웅신화를 논의하기 위해서는 영웅신화의 개념이 확립되어야 한다. 영웅신화는 영웅을 주인공으로 하여 영웅적 활약을 통하여 영웅성을 부각시킨 신화라고 정의할 수 있다.

영어 초록

This paper selects hero myths from each of the East Asian peoples and, through a comparative study of the hero's lineage, ability, achievements, and the rites held after the hero's death, attempts to uncover the characteristics of each peoples' mythologies. The selected materials are Korea's Myth of Ju-mong, China's Myth of Yi, Manzu's Taraihanmama, and Japan's Myth of Susanoo. The characteristics uncovered are as follows.
In Korea's Myth of Ju-mong and Japan's Myth of Susanoo, the hero's noble lineage is emphasized. These myths are myths of royal authority and can be seen as the product of patriarchal societies. China's Myth of Yi and Manzu's Taraihanmama, on the other hand, show no special interest in lineage. The Myth of Yi deals with humanity, unconcerned with royal authority, overcoming a natural disaster, and the Taraihanmama's female hero shows it to be a product of a matriarchal society.
In the area of the hero's ability, Ju-mong, Yi, and Tarai are all heros skilled in archery, while Susanoo uses a sword. The bow was an important weapon of pre-agricultural hunting society and was used regularly by the eastern barbarian tribes. The sword was made during the Iron Age and is thus a weapon developed by Iron Age culture groups. In this respect we can say Susanoo is a hero of an Iron Age culture group.
Ju-mong displays magical ability as well by solving an important problem; thus his personality shows aspects of both the king and the shaman. In addition, Tarai values proper judgment, an ability demanded of the leader of a constitutional, democratic society. This shows this myth to be the product of a highly developed social mentality.
The great deeds achieved by the protagonists and the result of attaining godhood have a very definite functional relationship. Ju-mong founded Koguryeo and was worshipped as its founding god. Yi eliminated the disaster afflicting humanity and became a protector god (Zong Bu) to whom sacrifices are offered in hopes of avoiding natural disaster. Tarai brought peace to quarreling tribes and established proper laws, and thus received seasonal offerings from the tribes. Susanoo vanquished the great snake and saved the people and was served by the village people in a shrine they built.
Thus, in spite of the commonality of East Asian myths, it was discovered that each area had its own unique myth based on that area's natural environment or human conditions.

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