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<방귀쟁이 며느리> 민담의 신화적 성격

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최종 저작일
25페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 노영근


1. 논의의 범주
2. 민담의 구조와 하위 유형
3. 거인신화와의 관련성
4. 결론

한국어 초록

며느리가 초인적인 위력의 방귀를 뀌고, 이로 인하여 빚어지는 각편을 <방귀쟁이 며느리> 유형으로 구분하였다. 이 유형은 세 하위 유형으로 구분된다. 며느리 방귀 - 축출 - 귀환 - (경쟁)의 화소로 이뤄져 있는 완결형, 귀환이 탈락한 탈락형, 그리고 탈락형에서 축출이 생략되는 변이형이 그들이다. 완결형에서 보이는 며느리의 존재변화라는 전기성이 상실되고 소담으로서의 성격이 강화되었으리라 생각된다.
며느리의 초인적인 방귀는 거대한 배설의 변형으로, 거인신화에서 보이는 巨軀의 징표이다. 창조신화의 「장길손」이나 지철로왕의 간택담에서도 동일한 징표를 찾을 수 있었다. 이들이 공유하고 있는 ‘거인’이라는 자질은 생산력과 관계된다. 한편 이야기 유형에 따라 이 자질은 다른 결과를 가져온다. 즉 「장길손」에서는 산천창조인데 비해 지철로 왕비의 배설은 결연이다. 며느리의 배설은 편입이라 하겠다.

영어 초록

story was over 100 versions had recorded. Among them, the story which daughter-in-law has powerful fart and it become a cause of happenings is <Daughter-in-Law who Has Powerful Fart> type folktale. The analysis of this type's structure shows that it can distinguish three patterns: ‘perfect’, ‘absence’, and ‘variation’. ‘Perfect’ pattern consist on the sequence of daughter-in-law's fart - banishment - return - (competition), ‘absence’ lact a return, and ‘variation’ omit the banishment. The type may changed through the process of ‘perfect’ - ‘absence’ - ‘variation’. In that process, the story may strengthen the character as a jest.
Powerful fart of daughter-in-law is variation of huge excrements. It is a symbol of giant and we can show it in giant myth. We can find a same symbol in creation myth [Jang Gil Son] and the story of king Ji Cheol Ro‘s marriage. So, these story and <daughter-in-law who has powerful fart> type hold a giant character in common. And the character is related to production capacity. Though it is common in myth, legend and folktale, the consequence of excrements is differ each other. That is, excrements of Jang Gil Son is creation, wife of king Ji Cheol Ro's one is marriage and daughter-in-law's is entry. It caused by the difference of genre.
The desire of production capacity give a powerful fart, the symbol of giant, to daughter-in-law. In the beginning, power fart was negative character but it become a positive character when it recognized as a useful one. People want a powerful production capacity but the other hand, they want control the power in their will. And this conscious reflected in the story.
Of course, we can not say that folktale and myth has a relation in directly. But when we face the ploblem which difficult to explain, for example the reason why daughter-in-law gave a powerful fart, myth can show the way to explain. And this study is one of that.

참고 자료



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