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서울지하철 범죄 실태에 대한 범죄심리학적 연구

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53페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국경호경비학회 수록지정보 : 한국경호경비학회지
저자명 : 임상곤


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구의 방법 및 내용
Ⅲ. 범죄발생 원인론의 접근
Ⅳ. 서울지하철 범죄 실태분석과 대응방안
Ⅴ. 결론

한국어 초록

21C 고도 선진사회를 맞이하여 사회 각 분야가 급속하게 다양화⋅다변화하며 발전하는 과정에서, 인간성의 황폐화⋅황금만능⋅한탕주의사조의 팽배는 어떻게 보면 필연의 귀결이었는지도 모르며, 범죄 또한 이에 편승하여 날로 광역화⋅ 흉포화⋅지능화⋅기동화의 추세에 놓여 있는 실정이다.
이러한 범죄의 증가는 국가의 기강을 흔들고, 사회에 불신감을 조장하며, 국민의 사기를 저하시킨다는 점에서 범죄의 실태 파악 및 그 원인의 사회․문화적 연구는 실로 중요하다고 보겠다.
최근 선진국이든 개발도상국이든 교통수단의 중요한 축인 지하철이 고도로 발달하여 국민의 편익에 지대한 공헌을 하고 있다. 지하철은 그 특성상 다중이 이용하는 시설로 범죄자 입장에서는 좋은 표적이 될 수 밖에 없고, 이에 지하철 범죄가 급증하고 있으며, 그 수법 또한 대담하고 지능적이며 조직화⋅기동화하고 있는 상황에서 이에 대한 대책수립이 시급한 상황이다.

영어 초록

'Defined legally as a violation of law' (Sutherland, E. H. Principles of Criminology, Lippincott, Chicago, 1939) Crime within the group is essentially and primarily antisocial in that the criminal who is welfare of his group acts instead against it and breaks the principles of social solidarity not merely by not doing what these principles prescribe, but by doing something exactly opposites.
Any program set up to attack crime and delinquent behavior at their sources.
A program of this nature needs the constant and comprehensive collaboration of psychiatrists, social works, educations, lawmakers, and public officials, since crime is a social problem and it should be treated as such.
Some crime preventives which should be mentioned are as follows,
(1). The insurance that every child will be decently born and that his home life be socially and economically adequate; without socially mature parents the chid is handicapped at the start; thus parental education, integrated with the public school system, should be developed now.
(2). A more meaningful educational program which would emphasize ideals of citizenship, moral integrity, and respect for the law and the police.
(3). A periodic check made for potential delinquents throughout the public schools and treatment provided if possible; and if not, proper segregation in
(4). Careful attention paid to press, movies, and radio so that crime may no longer appear to be glamorous. This can be done by women's clubs, civic bodies, and other educational groups exerting pressure on the movie syndicates and broadcasting companies to free their productions of the tawdry and lurid characteristics of crime and criminals.
Aggression associated with the phallic stage of development, The child ordinarily comprehends sexual intercourse as an aggressive and sadistic act on the part of the male, and specifically on the part of the penis. Evidence that the penis is phantasied as a weapon of violence and destruction comes from unconscious productions of normal adults.
Limerick, for instance, often refer to the penis as square, or too large, etc., so that intercourse is dangerous and painful for the partner. This may well be a projection of the male's own fear of coitus.
A certain portion of the death-instinct always remains within the person; it is called 'primal sadism' and according to Freud is identical with masochism.
'After the chief part of it(the death instinct) has been directed outwards towards objects, there remains as a residuum within the organism the true erotogenic masochism, which on the one hand becomes a component of the libido and on the other still has the subject itself for an object.'
Criminalism, compulsive-neurotic frequent repetition of criminal acts in a compulsive manner. Like most symptoms of the compulsive-neurotic, such antisocial act are closely rated to feelings of hostility and aggression, often against the father.
Because these acts are symptomatic, they afford only temporary relief and are therefore repeated. One patient with compulsive-neurotic criminalism was apprehended after breaking into a hardware store and stealing money.
He later confessed to many similar incidents over the preceding two years.
At the same time it was apparent that he stole only for the sake of stealing.
He did not need the money he thus obtained and had no special plans for using it.

참고 자료



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