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경호직 근무자의 업무능력 증대방안에 관한 고찰

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19페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국경호경비학회 수록지정보 : 한국경호경비학회지
저자명 : 김창호


2.경호의 개념 및 객체와 주체
3.경호업무의 유형
4.사회적 변화에 따른 업무능력 증대방안

한국어 초록

國際化․情報化․開放化로 치닫고 있는 現代社會는 많은 分野에서 多樣한 能力者를 要求하고 있다. 각 機關과 企業體에서는 多才 多能한 人力을 확보하고자 직접 大學이나 學院 등을 찾아 나서며 高級 人力을 채용하고자 하는 움직임이 활발히 전개되고 있다.
産業革命이후 社會의 여러變化 즉, 産業化의 過程은 인간의 여러 側面에 많은 影響力을 끼치게 되었다. 産業化가 進展됨에 따라 인간에게는 편리함과 함께 삶의 質的 向上을 가져왔으며 반면에, 經濟的 성장은 財産의 保護와 身邊安全에 대한 認識을 급속도로 증가시키는 영향을 주었다. 이에 安全分野를 비롯한 Security分野의 活性化를 가져오게 되었으며 21세기 有望職種으로 자리잡아가고 있는 추세에 이르고 있다.
따라서 現代社會에서는 자기 자신의 生命과 財産을 保護하기 위한 手段으로서 제3자로부터의 保護가 필수 불가결한 要素로 作用하고 있으며, 이는 需要에 따라 身邊保護要員 즉, 秘書나 警護人을 채용하기도 하고 業務의 效率性을 極大化하기 위한 役割로서 隨行秘書 등을 채용하는 事例가 늘고 있다.

영어 초록

In the modern society, the enterprises or the public organization have devised consistent means and methods with keen competition in high intelligence, high specialization and high competition for surviving in the struggle for existence. In the rapidly changing modern society like that, guard services are not free any more in the simple business. It will be survived only with consistent self-development and various abilities. Recently, it is on a trend that the enterprise including venture business requires the man of ability having many-sided thought, knowledge and capacity. That is, the era of a man with multi-function has come.
The guards engaged in their present posts have to make efforts self-development consistently. And they have to work for self-development with theoretical knowledge acquirement about the expert knowledge escaping from simple function and business. The constitution including universities that train the guard should not adjust to the demand of quantitative manpower required in the enterprise organization with the training of the guard with simple functions only. It needs settlement as a curriculum with technology like ideology and knowledge breaking from short curriculum centered on function only in order to come to stay the recognition about guard services as expert services that the industrial society requires. The education centered on simple function should be replaced in the use of a high school, private academy and special guard institution.
In addition, it requires a quality as the auxiliary, division, decision-making and spokesman according to the business role. Also, it requires the martial arts capacity, the communicative capacity, the sports or reports capacity, the guard driving capacity, the policy and assistant capacity and the information and analysis capacity, etc in individual.

Lastly, it needs each guard's change of cognition most of all.
As part of the guard's adaptive plan according to the social change, it was enumerated like the mentioned above. It is important for the guard to prepare for the change of era and to build up quality and capacity before anything else.

참고 자료



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