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아동을 위한 박물관,미술관교사 양성의 방향

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최종 저작일
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발행기관 : 한국미술교과교육학회 수록지정보 : 사향미술교육논총
저자명 : 류재만


1. 여는 글
2. 박물관,미술관 교육의 필요성
3. 박물관,미술관 교사 양성의 방향
4. 닫는 글

한국어 초록

미래 문화의 주체인 아동들에게 어린시절부터 박물관이나 미술관을 친숙한 문화공간으로 인식하고 이용하는 습관을 길러주고, 진품만이 창출할 수 있는 미적체험의 기회를 제공하다는 의미에서 박물관과 미술관을 통한 문화학습은 중요한 의의를 지닌다.
근대적인 박물관․미술관이 성립되면서 박물관․미술관의 기능이 수집하고 전시하는 것에서 벗어나 일반 대중의 문화적, 역사적 의식을 교육하고 미적 감수성을 고양시키다 는 이념아래 사회․문화 교육기능을 강조하고 있다.
우리나라도 근래에 와서 박물관이나 미술관의 사회․문화적 교육 기능이 강화되고 다양한 프로그램들을 운영하고 있는 곳이 많아졌다. 또 제7차 교육과정에서도 박물관이나 미술관을 한 학기에 1회 이상 관람 학습을 할 것을 교육과정에 명시하고 있다. 그러나 여러 가지 이유로 아직은 활성화 되지 못하고 있는 것이 현실이다.

영어 초록

Nowadays, it is a steady trend that museums and art galleries become the social and cultural education institutes in worldwide. Therefore, not to turn over the worldwide cultural century, it becomes clear that the museum and art gallery education programs should be activated. When children grow up, who are the main bodies of future culture, they will absolutely visit museum and art gallery after the high level experiences of culture, and basic knowledge from their own lives.
The diverse programs are set up in our museum and art gallery externally, however, we still have many shortages in the substantial qualitative ways. The direction of museum and art gallery education, related with school education programs, should be proceeded from specialized teachers who take charge of its post. Secondly, the programs connected of school education process should be managed. Thirdly, the exhibition related programs that balance with students' level should be managed. Fourthly, the expert exhibition hall should be managed for teenagers. Fifthly, the places where the videos are producing and televising that help children understand the exhibition with their right levels are needed. Sixthly, the university museums should be open to the regional students.
For the museum and art gallery education's activation, the concerns and investment of authorities are required, and the systematic training for high level specialized museum and art gallery teachers must be set up quickly. The course for training of museum and art gallery teaching are provided with specialized training and establishment of its major in the graduate school.
For teachers' training, the process of primary, intermediate, and advanced class should be followed step by step, and after passing the test, they get the certificate of museum and art gallery teachers. To train the competent professional teachers in the graduate school of education who take a complete charge of children's museum and art gallery education, not the class curriculum, but the pedagogy itself ought to be managed, so that they can be the professional specialists of ability in the educational field.

참고 자료



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아동을 위한 박물관,미술관교사 양성의 방향
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