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한국의 통일지향적 이념과 체제모색 : 남북한 체제와 분단국의 분단․통일체제의 사례를 고려하여

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 21세기정치학회 수록지정보 : 21세기정치학회보 / 15권 / 3호
저자명 : 김용욱


Ⅰ. 서
Ⅱ. 남북한 체제와 분단국들의 체제이념지향 비교
Ⅲ. 통일지향적 이념과 체제
Ⅳ. 결 론


한국어 초록

이 논문은 한민족의 진정한 자유, 평등, 인권, 민주주의 확립을 위해 남북한의 통일과정에서나 통일된 국가에 있어서 체제이념과 정치․경제의 구조가 어떠한 것이어야 하는가를 논의한 것이다. 먼저, 분단 이후 남북한의 체제와 이념을 인지하고 한때 분단되었다가 통일을 이룩한 베트남, 독일, 예멘의 분단체제와 통일 후의 체제이념지향을 비교 검토하였다. 그리고 분단국들의 경험과 남북한의 현실에 비추어 볼 때 한국통일에 매우 중요하다고 생각되는 몇 가지 주요 이념지향과 체제를 논의하였다. 그러한 것들로 이념으로는 ① 개방적 민족주의, ② 복지공동체적 자유민주주의, ③ 정치적 다원제를, 그 주요 정치․경제체제로는 ① 민주적 정부형태와 경쟁적 정당제, ② 자본주의 시장경제체제, ③ 통일국가 형태로서의 연방제 등이다. 그리고 결론에서 현재 한국의 당면한 남북관계 내지 통일정책에 있어서의 가이드라인을 논의하였다.

영어 초록

This paper aims to review the types of political ideologies and governmental structures of North and South Korea and Vietnam, Germany and Yemen before and after their unification, further to commit major Ideologies and systems to be necessary for Korean Unification here. The content of this paper are following :
Chapter One : Preface
Chapter Two : the comparison between North-South Korea' ideologies and system with Vietnam, Germany and Yemen after unification
Chapter Three : the ideologies and systems toward Korean Unification
Chapter Four : Conclusion (the guideline of Korean Unification policy)

We Koreans may get lessons from German, Vietnamese and Yemeni experience in their unification process. First, Nationalism was the most important factor in the national Integration. Second, all the countries head for market economy opening them to foreign capitals after unification. Three, Germany maintains liberal democracy with the parliamentary cabinet system, Vietnam authoritarianism with communist one party rule, and Yemen constitutional democracy with presidential system. Four, neighboring great powers have been played a positive role, or at least did not interrupt those states' unification. We Koreans must establish and adhere some ideologic and systematic bases for unification. such includes following : (1) Open Nationalism, (2) Liberal Democracy, (3) Political Pluralism, (4) Constitutional Government and Competitive Party System, (5) Capitalistic Market Economy, and (6) Federal Union. First, Korean nation will be required to head for “Open Nationalism” which will contribute toward international cooperation and coping with racism. Both Fascist nationalism and Proletariat class nationalism should be rejected. Second, “Liberal Democracy” based on welfare communities should be builded up. It seems like a mixed pattern of free democracy nation widely and of democratic social democracy by local level. Third, “Political Pluralism” will need some supplementary ideas : ⅰ) the neo-corporatism to overcome sectarianism, ⅱ) the consociational democracy to check majority rule. Fouth, the Presidential Government will be better than the Cabinet Government to cope with some difficulties of domestic and foreign affair in the unification process. Fifth, North Korean socialist economy is in future expected to be incorporated into South Korean capitalist market economy. Finally, as the integral pattern of divided nation, “Federal Union” is desirable for the stoppage and arbitration of hostility. But it is temporary and a transitional stage of national unification. And as the requisites for federal union, should be premised the tenacity of constitutionalism and non-centralization and its political cultures. But the reality and conditions North Korea is insufficient to match with such requisites.

참고 자료



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