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20世紀 轉換期 中國 네이션(nation) 槪念의 形成

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26페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총
저자명 : 朴尙洙


1. 서론
2. 전통 “文化主義”의 내용과 특징
3. 블룬츨리(J.K. Bluntschli)의 네이션論
4. 네이션 槪念의 收容과 變容
5. 人民主權 사고의 맹아와 억압
6. 결어 - 정리와 전망

한국어 초록

This article is a study on the reception and appropriation of modern nation conception at the turn of the twentieth century China, focusing on J.K. Bluntschli, Liang Qichao and Wang Jingwei. According to the analysis, the Chinese intellectuals introduced and appropriated nation conception with contradictory attitudes, that is, state nationalism and ethnic nationalism, in the process of decadence of Chinese traditional culturalism.
Though Liang and Wang together receipted the nation conception from Deutsch scholar J.K. Bluntschli's works on the state, they gave different emphasis according to their different political positions. Understanding the nation conception as mutual recognition of sovereignty between each nations on one hand and, the other hand, equal rights and obligations between nation members, Liang was searching for the way to overcome identity crisis of imperial China confronting western imperialism. His "guojia zhuyi(state nationalism)" and "da minzuzhuyi(broad nationalism)" was to build a nation(guomin, i.e., Bluntschli's Volk) covering all ethnic groups within the territories of imperial China, whereas Wang also receipted the nation conception from Bluntschli's Volk, but he asserted nation-building based on only one ethnic group(minzu = Bluntschli's Nation) as his "minzu de guomin" (ethnic nation) expressed it explicitly. Liang comprehended nation conception on the basis of traditional culturalism as the identity of imperial China; meanwhile Wang's nation conception was based on the ethnic identity of Han ethnie and the other popular ethnic identities that had not been embraced by the official culturalism of imperial China.

nation, volk, Bluntschli, Liang Qichao, Wang Jingwei, popular sovereignty, statism, culturalism

영어 초록

This article is a study on the reception and appropriation of modern nation conception at the turn of the twentieth century China, focusing on J.K. Bluntschli, Liang Qichao and Wang Jingwei. According to the analysis, the Chinese intellectuals introduced and appropriated nation conception with contradictory attitudes, that is, state nationalism and ethnic nationalism, in the process of decadence of Chinese traditional culturalism. Though Liang and Wang together receipted the nation conception from Deutsch scholar J.K. Bluntschli's works on the state, they gave different emphasis according to their different political positions. Understanding the nation conception as mutual recognition of sovereignty between each nations on one hand and, the other hand, equal rights and obligations between nation members, Liang was searching for the way to overcome identity crisis of imperial China confronting western imperialism. His "guojia zhuyi(state nationalism)" and "da minzuzhuyi(broad nationalism)" was to build a nation(guomin, i.e., Bluntschli's Volk) covering all ethnic groups within the territories of imperial China, whereas Wang also receipted the nation conception from Bluntschli's Volk, but he asserted nation-building based on only one ethnic group(minzu = Bluntschli's Nation) as his "minzu de guomin" (ethnic nation) expressed it explicitly. Liang comprehended nation conception on the basis of traditional culturalism as the identity of imperial China; meanwhile Wang's nation conception was based on the ethnic identity of Han ethnie and the other popular ethnic identities that had not been embraced by the official culturalism of imperial China. 【주제어】nation, volk, Bluntschli, Liang Qichao, Wang Jingwei, popular sovereignty, statism, culturalism

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20世紀 轉換期 中國 네이션(nation) 槪念의 形成
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