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한국 사회복지실천교육모델 연구

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최종 저작일
49페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국사회복지교육협의회 수록지정보 : 한국사회복지교육 / 1권 / 1호
저자명 : 김기태, 양옥경, 홍선미, 박지영, 최명민


1. 서 론
2. 연구의 배경적 논의
3. 사회복지실천교육모델의 제안
4. 결 론

한국어 초록

본 연구는 우리나라에 적합한 실천교육의 합리적 틀을 구성하기 위한 기초연구이다. 연구의 이론적․실증적 자료를 마련하고자, 실천교육과 관련된 기존 연구 및 이론적 기반을 고찰하였으며, 현장사회복지사들을 대상으로 실천교육의 적합성을 탐색하였고, 외국의 현황을 살펴보았다. 연구결과 교육체계별 모델을 제시하였다. 즉, 이수학점을 60학점으로 하는 학부모델은 폭넓은 기초지식을 습득하여 생리심리사회적 접근의 학문기반을 마련하는 동시에, 실천방법 및 실습을 강화한 모델이다. 학부과정과 차별화된 교육내용의 30학점으로 구성된 일반대학원모델은 실습을 통한 현장경험과 이론의 접목을 목표로 하고 있다. 전문대학원모델은 5개 교육영역으로 구성되며 학부 전공자 45학점/비전공자 60학점 체제로 운영하여 사회복지전문학위로서의 석사학위를 수여하는 석사학위과정을 중심으로 구성한 모델이다. 전체적으로 모든 모델들이 전문성 강화에 초점을 두고 있으며, 제시된 모델들에 관한 다양한 의견교환을 통해 한국 사회복지실천교육이 지속적으로 발전하는데 기여하기를 바란다.

영어 초록

Given the dramatic increase of social needs regarding social services, social work education in Korea nowadays has a challenge as follows: over supplied social workers, but not appropriately trained as a competent professional. As a profession, social work has been historically confronting various challenges inside and/or outside relevant arena. In the beginning of twenty-first century, social work education in Korea also arrives at a critical point of having to examine the profession itself and new alternatives to cope with the social/environmental changes.
In this regard, this study tries to find efforts for change in the aspect of social work education, in particular, practice education curriculum. For this purpose, the previous researches related to social work practice education and theoretical grounds were examined in the study. In addition, the survey of the social workers asking about the level of the accordance between college-based education and field-based needs was conducted to social workers in fields. Social work education systems in other countries, e.g., Japan and United States, were also reviewed. As a result, it is confirmed that the efforts for strengthening the identity as a profession are definitely necessary in Korean social work reality and it seems difficult unless the educational reform in social work practice area is attained.
Based on these facts, this study presents social work practice education models in undergraduate and graduate level. In the undergraduate model, first of all, the curriculum focuses on building social science backgrounds, then ethics and value system of direct practice methodology. The increase of credits for completing the course(from 42 to 60) is also proposed to fulfill a minimum condition for a professional social worker. Secondly, in the graduate model, an increase of credit from 24 to 30 is proposed to deal with more specific issues in depth. Prerequisites for new students without social work background are also presented. Finally, the professional school model with an aim to bring up social workers with professional master's degree presents five educational areas as follows: human behavior and ethics, direct practice and techniques, law and institution of the society, specific field areas, and practicum. For covering these educational areas, students with social work undergraduate background are required to fulfill 45 credits. In the case of students with non social work undergraduate degree, 60 credits are required.
Even though each program purposes on different level of learning contents, it is assured that all social work practice education systems regardless of the level have to increase the amount of time which is spent on educating students for well-qualified professional practitioners. In fact, the education models which are presented in this study may result in very controversial debate among social work educators. As this study emphasizes on stimulating practical efforts and attention in dealing with challenges in social work practice, however, active debates not only among educators but also practitioners in fields are rather desirable following this study.

참고 자료



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